This Marketing XML schema file defines the common marketing types. The types of data to display in an e-Marketing Spot. Supported types are CatalogGroup, CatalogEntry, MarketingContent or any custom type. Allows extension to the default marketing spot data types. Marketing content refers to any creative material created for your site. The unique identifier of the marketing content. The type of the marketing content. The number of click actions of the marketing content: "None", "Single"(URL) or "Multiple"(Image Map) The input options for the marketing content image map. Two options are support: "Area" means the image map is defined by individual area. "Source" means the image map is defined by HTML source code. The click action to be invoked when the marketing content on the page is clicked. The definition of the image map (clickable areas of a image). It is language sensitive. The mime type of the marketing content. The attachment associated with the marketing content. If this content displays the same results to all customers, then the value is 0. If this content has dynamic behavior that can display different results, then the value is 1. The associated e-Marketing Spot can use this setting to determine how to cache the e-Marketing Spot results. This value identifies if this content should be displayed in the administration UI. This value identifies the tool that manages this content. This value identifies if this marketing content can display attachments that exceed the marketing file size limit. User Data. The description of a marketing content. The location of a marketing content. The marketing text of a marketing content. User Data. The type of the marketing content. The unique ID of the type of the marketing content. The name of the type of the marketing content. The supported types of marketing content. Allows extension to the default marketing content types. The definition of the image map for image with clickable areas. The name of the image map. A clickable area in a image map. The HTML definition of the image map. This element is used when users want to define the whole image map directlly using HTML User Data. The definition of a clickable area in an image map. The unique ID of the image map area. The shape of the area. Three types of shape are supported: "rect" (Rectangle), "circle" (Circle) and "poly" (Polygon) The coordinates of the area. For example, "0,0,82,126" for an rectangle area. The click action to be invoked when the area is clicked. Specifies where to open the target URL. For example, "_blank", "_parent", "_self", "_top" or frame name The title of the area. It shows when mouse pointer hover on this area An alternate text for the area. User Data. The sequence of the area. The number of click actions (URL) supported by the marketing content. "None" means there is no URL defined for the marketing content. "Single" means the whole marketing content is mapped to one single URL. "Multiple" means the HTML image map is defined for the marketing content. The image map has multiple areas, each has its own URL. The input options for the marketing content image map. "Area" means the image map is defined by individual area. "Source" means the image map is defined by HTML definition code. The types of supported map areas. Three types of shape are supported: "rect" (Rectangle), "circle" (Circle) and "poly" (Polygon) The types of supported marketing activities. Allows extension to the default activity types. The types of campaign elements. Supported types are Trigger, Target, and Action. Allows extension to the default campaign element types. The unique identifier of a campaign element. The unique ID of a campaign element. The name to identify the element within the marketing activity. The types of data to display in an e-Marketing Spot. Supported types are CatalogGroup, CatalogEntry, MarketingContent or any custom type. Allows extension to the default marketing spot data types. The ordering scheme set up on an e-Marketing Spot for specific content types. The unique identifier of an ordering scheme set up on an e-Marketing Spot for specific content types. The interface name of an ordering scheme set up on an e-Marketing Spot for specific content types. User Data. The unique external identifier of a marketing spot ordering scheme. The type of data that can be ordered by the ordering scheme. The name of the ordering scheme. The unique identifier of an ordering scheme set up on an e-Marketing Spot for specific content types. The unique ID of an ordering scheme set up on an e-Marketing Spot for specific content types. The unique external identifier of a marketing spot ordering scheme. A store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. The unique identifier of a store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. The description of a store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. The path to a store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. User Data. The unique external identifier of a marketing spot page. The name of a store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. The unique identifier of the store associated with the store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. The unique identifier of a store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. The unique ID of a store page which contains an e-Marketing Spot. The unique external identifier of a marketing spot page. The unique external identifier of a campaign element template. The name of a template definition of an element within a marketing campaign. The format of a template definition of an element within a marketing campaign. The identifier of the store in which the template definition is registered. The unique identifire of a template definition of an element within a marketing campaign. The unique ID of a template definition of an element within a marketing campaign. The unique external identifier of a campaign element template. The description of a marketing content. The state of a campaign or marketing activity. Allows extension to the default marketing state types.