Represents a point of interest specified by a point and radius. Internal identifier of the point of interest. Status of the record. For example, this field could be used to distinguish between Active and Expired records. Type (or classification) of the point of interest. Specifically, a point of interest representing a physical store will have the type "Store". Identifies a region (e.g. "Canada") Identifies a subregion within a region, such such as a physical store. Specifically, each physical store defined in the WC Store Locator component will have a corresponding PointOfInterest defined in the Location service with a Zone ID equal to the physical store's external identifier and the type "Store". Identifies a subregion within a zone, such as an aisle or department. Identifies a point within a cell such as a kiosk or shelf. Description of the point of interest. Reserved for IBM internal use. Latitude (in degrees) of the POI's center. Longitude (in degrees) of the POI's center. Height (in meters) of the POI. Radius (in meters) of the POI's boundary, assuming it is a circle. Reserved for IBM internal use. The related point of interest customization information. The version of WebSphere Commerce when the noun was last changed. The value is set as the versionID attribute in the corresponding BODs. Element definition for the PointOfInterest datatype. A type definition for a PointOfInterest identifier. A unique ID for the PointOfInterest record. This should be a unique value generated by the application. An external identifier for the PointOfInterest record. Identifies the overall application, program or organization (e.g. "Test", "Production") to which this record belongs. Store identifier. The name of the point of interest record. Human-readable name of the point of interest (POI) being described. A short description of the POI -- e.g. one or two sentences. A longer description of the POI -- e.g. a paragraph. Uniform resource identifier (URI) of an image which may displayed regarding the POI (e.g. a store facade or logo). Uniform resource identifier (URI) of a secondary image which may displayed regarding the POI (e.g. a store facade or logo). The related point of interest description customization information. Identifier for the language in which the description is expressed.