Catalog: Catalog Noun

Catalog noun is used to model a catalog. A catalog can be a primary or a secondary catalog. A catalog represents the contexts under which the catalog groups or catalog entries are defined. When referring to any catalog entity including the Catalog, it is assumed that a store ID is present in the business context. When referring to a catalog entry, catalog group or a kit, the catalog ID is assumed to be present in a catalog context.

BOD Summary

Access Profile and Expression Builder columns are for Get BOD only.
BOD Action Code / Access Profile Action Expression Service Provided Sample XML Message Client Library / Expression Builder
ProcessCatalog Create /Catalog[i] Creates a new catalog.
The relationship from the given catalog to the store provided in the request (context) is created in the database.

Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
  • The external identifier provided for the catalog already exists for the given store.
  • The external identifier is missing.
  • The owner ID passed in the request BOD is different from the owner ID of the store in the context.

Delete /Catalog[i] Deletes a catalog.
The context for the request is a master catalog. This service deletes the given catalog, and relies on the database cascade delete, to delete the following data:

  • The related store to catalog relationships.
  • The related catalog description.

Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
  • The catalog does not exist.
  • The owner ID passed in the request BOD is different from the owner ID of the store in the context.
  • The catalog has at least one top category.

ChangeCatalog Change /Catalog[i]/CatalogIdentifier Changes the external catalog identifier for the given catalog unique ID.

Exception: An error results if the catalog identifier already exists for the given owner.

Change /Catalog[i]/Description[1] Changes one of the following fields for the given catalog:
  • Name and description
  • Thumbnail image and full image
If the description for a given language is not found in the database, this service creates the description. If the description for a particular language is found, it is updated based on the values passed in the request BOD.

If the language ID is not specified in the request BOD, the store default language is used as the language ID of the description.

Exception: An error results if the language ID provided is not supported by the current store.

Change /Catalog[i] Catalog attributes, such as the description attribute, can be updated using this service.


GetCatalog IBM_Admin_Details /Catalog[@primary='true'] Get Master Catalog in Store.

Returns the master catalog for the store ID present in the context.

IBM_Admin_Details /Catalog[@primary='false'] Get Sales Catalogs in Store.

Returns all the sales catalogs for the store ID present in the context.

All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /Catalog[CatalogIdentifier[(UniqueID=)]] Get Catalog by Unique ID.

Returns the catalog for the given unique ID.

All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /Catalog[CatalogIdentifier[ExternalIdentifier[(Identifier=)]]] Get Catalog by Identifier.

Returns the catalog for the given unique ID.

All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /Catalog[@primary='true' and Description[Attributes[published=1]]] Get Master Catalog in Store.

When @primary is true, it returns the master catalog for the store ID present in the context.

All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /Catalog[@primary='false' and Description[Attributes[published=1]]] Get Sales Catalogs in Store.

When @primary is false, it returns master catalog and sales catalogs for the store ID present in the context.

All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /Catalog[CatalogIdentifier[(UniqueID=)] and Description[Attributes[published=1]]] Get Catalog by Unique ID.

Returns the catalog for the given unique ID.

All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /Catalog[CatalogIdentifier[ExternalIdentifier[(Identifier=)]] and Description[Attributes[published=1]]] Get Catalog by Identifier.

Returns the catalog for the given unique ID.


Access Profile

Some sample XML request and response web service messages are provided for each noun. These sample messages might not include all properties or attributes. To view a sample message that includes other properties or attributes, enable logging and tracing for the appropriate component and then call the web service to set or change the properties or attributes. Review the corresponding log file to see the request or response information.

Access Profile Data Returned
  • /Catalog(@primary)
  • /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier//UniqueID
  • /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
  • /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/StoreIdentifier/UniqueID
  • /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/Identifier
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/Name
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/ShortDescription
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/ThumbNail
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the basic information of the catalog.
IBM_Admin_Details IBM_Admin_Summary
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/LongDescription/
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/FullImage
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/keyword
  • /Catalog/Description(@language)/Attributes
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the basic information and detailed description of the catalog.
IBM_Admin_All IBM_Admin_Details This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the basic information and detailed description of the catalog.
  • /Catalog(@primary)
  • /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier//UniqueID
  • /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
  • /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/Identifier
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/Name
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/ShortDescription
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/LongDescription
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/ThumbNail
  • /Catalog/CatalogDescription(@language)/FullImage
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the basic information and detailed description of the catalog.

XSD files