This table contains information for the Database Cleanup utility.

Column Descriptions:

OBJECTNAMECHAR (40) NOT NULLThe name of the HCL Commerce object to be cleaned.
TYPECHAR (40) NOT NULLThe type of the object you want to delete for this condition in this table. Refer to the Database Cleanup utility command in the HCL Commerce information center for more information.
STATEMENTVARCHAR (4000) NOT NULLThe SQL statement used by the Database Cleanup utility to clean up the entries in the database table.
NAMEARGCHAR (10) NOT NULLIndicates if the name argument is used in the condition, which specifies the ID of the object to be deleted. Valid values are as follows:
  • yes=use the name argument
  • no=do not use the name argument
SEQUENCEINTEGER NOT NULLSequence number if more than one SQL statement is required to clean the HCL Commerce object.
DAYSARGCHAR (10) NOT NULLIndicates if the days argument is used in the condition, which specifies the minimum days in existence for a record to be deleted. Valid values are as follows:
  • yes=use the days argument
  • no=do not use the days argument
STATEMENTTYPEVARCHAR (120)The type of value that a select statement returns. For example, absolute file, relative path, or URL.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType