Shipping - Assign Shipping Codes to Products or Categories

In order to calculate shipping charges on the order item, you must assign shipping codes to either a product (or other types of catalog entries) or a category (a group of catalog entries).

Use this page to assign the shipping code you are working with to products or categories.

All products
Select the All products option if the shipping code applies to all products in your catalog.
Specific product(s)
Select the Specific product(s) option to apply the shipping code to one or more products in your catalog. When you select this option, the following field displays:
Selected products
The products you have selected display in this list.
Find products
Click Find products to find the products you want to select. If you select Find products you should know the SKU, name or short description of the product.
Browse catalog
Click Browse catalog to view the catalog and find the products you want to select.
Remove SKU(s)
Select the SKU to remove, then click Remove SKUs. The SKU is removed from the list.
Select the Categories check box to apply the shipping code to one or more category in your catalog. When you select this option, the following field displays:
The categories you have selected display in this field.
Click List to view the categories in your catalog.