Return Summary

Use this page to view details about a return. Information about this page is read only. The contents of this page depend on the information provided when the return was created, such as the products selected, return reason, credit details, and any comments.

Return information

Return confirmation number
The return number, which uniquely identifies the return.
Last updated
The date and time that the order was last updated, including the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The date and time are based on the current system time for the machine where HCL Commerce Server is installed.
Return status
The return status of the return, such as canceled, or approved.
B2B directContract Name
B2B directThe name of the contract associated with the customer and the return. A contract stipulates the terms for the customer to shop at the store.
Originator logon ID
Consumer direct (B2C) The store logon ID for the customer who originated the return, as provided during registration. B2B direct The logon ID for the person who originated the return, as provided during registration. Depending on the terms stipulated in a contract, another individual may have the authority to change or request changes to the return. This individual is not the originator of the return, but may need to specify the originator logon ID when requesting an update at the store. For example, an employee of IBM may create the original return, but the employee's manager may contact the store to change the return. To locate this return, the store may request the originator's logon ID.
Organization name
The name of the organization with which the customer is associated. This organization has defined contracts with the store, stipulating terms for the customer to shop at the store. For example, the organization IBM may have contracts with the ABC Office Supplies Store.
Product Name
A short description of the product for the return.
The stock keeping unit (SKU) for the product for the return, which uniquely identifies the product.
The quantity of a particular product within the return.
Return to Fulfillment Center
Indicates whether the product needs to be returned to the fulfillment center from which the product originated. Returned products are restocked and can be sold to other customers. Often whether products can be returned to the fulfillment center depends on one of the following rules:
  • The nature of the product. For example, spoiled groceries should not be returned. In this case, No is the return to fulfillment center status.
  • The condition of the product. For example, if cosmetics have been returned because the customer has read the label and is allergic to the product, and the cosmetics have not been used, they can be returned to the fulfillment center. In this case, Yes is the return to fulfillment center status. However, if the cosmetics have been used, it should not be returned to the fulfillment center to be sold to another customer. In this case, No is the return to fulfillment center status.
Reason for Return
The reason that the customer wants a refund for the product. The reason codes are predefined in the HCL Commerce database, such as "Defective" and "Wrong size".
Credit Amount
The cost of a particular product within the return, in the same currency used for the original order.
Credit Adjustment
An adjustment made to the credit amount for the customer, as follows:
  • If the adjustment is an addition, type a positive amount in this field. For example, if your store policy does not credit customers with shipping charges on returned products, you can adjust the credit amount to reimburse customers for the shipping charges; that is, if the credit amount is $100 and the credit adjustment is $10, then the total credit before tax will be $110.
  • If the adjustment is a subtraction, type a negative amount in this field. For example, your store policy may charge a restocking fee for returned product; that is, if the credit amount is $100 and the credit adjustment is -$10, then the total credit before tax will be $90.
Credit Before Tax
The total amount, before tax, for a particular product within the return.
Other charges
An additional amount to be added to the refund (for example, to include an administration fee for returning products, type the amount here). Note that the amount is an adjustment made before tax charges have been calculated.
The total tax charge on the products within the return. Tax charges are included in the refund to the customer.
Refund total
The total value of the refund, in the same currency used for the original order.
Credit information
Credit status
The credit status of the return, such as when the credit was initiated.
Credit method
The method of payment for the store to credit a customer, such as via a credit card or line of credit.
Credit card number
The credit card number where the store should refund the customer for the return.
Comments for the return, such as the a detailed reason why the customer returned the product, or a reason why the return was created but the product was not physically returned to the store.
Click this button to print the return summary.

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