
Use this list to view all returns based on your search criteria.

Return Number
Type the return number, which uniquely identifies the return.
B2B direct Contract Name
B2B directThe name of the contract associated with the customer and the return. A contract stipulate the terms for the customer to shop at the store.
Originator Logon ID
Consumer direct (B2C) The store logon ID for the customer who originated the return, as provided during registration.
B2B direct The logon ID for the person who originated the return, as provided during registration. Depending on the access control policies implemented, another individual may have the authority to change or request changes to the return. This individual is not the originator of the return, but may need to specify the originator logon ID when requesting an update at the store. For example, if an employee of IBM may create the original return, but the employee's manager may contact the store to change the return. To locate this return, the store may request the originator's logon ID.
Return Status
The status of the return, such as approved, canceled, or currently being edited by a customer.
Last Updated
The date that the return was last edited, including the year, month, and day.
Total Credit
The total amount to be credited to the customer, including tax and shipping as applicable, in the same currency used for the original order.
Click this button to view details about a return, including the return number, when it was last updated, the return status, contract name, originator logon ID, organization, products returned, return reason, credit information, comments added, and any price adjustments.
Click this button to edit details about the return, including the products, comments, credit method for a return.
Cancel Return
Click this button to cancel the selected return on behalf of a customer or to stop credit to the customer.
View Receipts
Click this button to view a list of products that have been returned to the fulfillment center. Once the fulfillment center receives the a product, a receipt is issued for each product. Once all required products within a return received, the customer is credited the refund amount. The fulfillment center tracks the receipts to determine what products have been returned and added to the fulfillment center's inventory, and what products are outstanding.
Click this button to display the Approve Return dialog, which contains a list of returns that require manual approval by someone who has authority to approve returns for the store, such as the Customer Service Supervisor. Typically, if a customer requests a refund for a product within the system-accepted return reason codes, the return is automatically approved. In some cases, the return must be manually approved. This dialog also lists the reasons why the return was not automatically approved.
B2B direct Contract
B2B directClick this button to view details about the contract associated with the original order and this return. A contract stipulate the terms for the customer to shop at the store.