RFQ Product Specifications

This page displays the details of the product selected on the RFQ Summary page.

Product Specifications List

Specification name
The product specification name as provided in the Personalized Attributes list.
The relationship between the product and its specification. For example, a buyer may specify that the thickness of steel plate must be "less than" (<) 1cm. The available operators are:
  • equal to
  • greater than
  • less than
  • greater than or equal to
  • less than or equal to
  • in (example: red, blue, green)
  • a range including boundary values (example: 2 to 6)
  • a range excluding boundary values (example: less than 2 or greater than 6)
  • not (example: any color except red)
The allowable value or values of the specification. For example, if the specification is Size, "10" would be a typical value.
The units in which the specification is measured. For example, centimeters (cm) for thickness or centigrade (C) for temperature.
"Yes" if the specification is required by the buyer, "No" if it not required.
"Yes" if the buyer will accept an alternative specification value, "No" if the value cannot be changed.
User defined
Indicates if the specification has been added by the buyer.

Product Comments

Indicates the character of the supplemental information added by the buyer:
  • Additional Info
  • Delivery Instructions
  • Warranty Information
The text of the buyer's comment.
"Yes" if the comment must be acted on by the buyer, "No" if it not required.
"Yes" if the buyer will accept an alternative to the comment's value, "No" if the value cannot be changed.