Operational Reports

This page lists the reports available to sellers and resellers. It includes the following reports:

Storefront Usage Report
Provides resellers with key data about a store's operations and performance.
Store Activity Report
Provides a seller with key data about a store's operations and performance.
Order Status Report
Displays key data about a store's orders, filtered according to order status.
Order Item Status Report
Displays key data about a store's order items, filtered according to order status.
Product Sales Report
Displays key data about products sold on your site. Includes names of the products, number of sales, and revenue generated.
Region Report
Displays key data about sales and customer activity for the regions that customers provide when they register.
Customer Contact Points Report
Displays key data about a particular customers activity.
Registration Reports
This category includes the following reports:
  • HCL Commerce Enterprise Registered organizations: Reports the number of and details on organizations registered in a given time period.
  • HCL Commerce Enterprise Registered customers by organizations: Reports the number of and details on registered customers associated with a particular organization in a given time period.
  • Registered customers: Reports the number of and details of customers registered in a given time period.
HCL Commerce Enterprise Contract Reports
HCL Commerce EnterpriseThis category includes the following reports:
  • Contract Activity: Reports on the details of the site's contracts.
  • Contract History: Reports on the site's contracts by their status.