Organization - Details

Use this page to maintain details about an organization or organizational unit.

Short name
Required: A brief, one or two word, description of the organization or organizational unit, such as "Electronic Commerce Division".
A description of the organization or organizational unit, such as "Software development for electronic commerce products."
Business category
A classification of the type of business associated with this organization or organizational unit, such as "Information Technology" or "Health Services".
Organization type
Required: Select whether this is an organization or organizational unit. An organization, such as IBM, can include several organizational units, such as the Electronic Commerce Division, the Database Division, and the Software Division.
Select parent organization
Type in the partial name of the parent organization and click Find. A list of organizations matching the name will be displayed where you can select the parent organization.
Street address
Type the organization or organizational unit's contact address in one or more of the address fields. This field accepts up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Type the city of the organization or organizational unit's contact address. This field accepts up to 128 alphanumeric characters.
Type the state or province of the organization or organizational unit's contact address. This field accepts up to 128 alphanumeric characters.
ZIP/Postal code
Type the ZIP or postal code of the organization or organizational unit's contact address. This field accepts up to 40 alphanumeric characters.
Type the country or region of the organization or organizational unit's contact address. This field accepts up to 128 alphanumeric characters.
Preferred method of communication
Select the organization or organizational unit's preferred means of communication. If no method is specified, select Not available.
E-mail address 1
Type the organization or organizational unit's primary e-mail address. If the preferred method of communication is the primary e-mail address, this field must be filled in. This field accepts up to 254 alphanumeric characters.
E-mail address 2
Type the organization or organizational unit's secondary e-mail address. If the preferred method of communication is the secondary e-mail address, this field must be filled in. This field accepts up to 254 alphanumeric characters.
Phone number 1
Type the organization or organizational unit's primary phone number. If the preferred method of communication is the primary phone number, this field must be filled in. This field accepts up to 30 single-byte characters.
Phone number 2
Type the organization or organizational unit's secondary phone number. If the preferred method of communication is the secondary phone number, this field must be filled in. This field accepts up to 32 single-byte characters.
Fax number 1
Type the organization or organizational unit's primary fax number. If the preferred method of communication is the primary fax number, this fax number field must be filled in.
This field accepts up to 32 single-byte characters.
Fax number 2
Type the organization or organizational unit's secondary fax number. If the preferred method of communication is the secondary fax number, this fax number field must be filled in.
This field accepts up to 32 single-byte characters.
Best time to call
Select the best time to contact the organization or organizational unit. The preferred time to receive calls can be during the daytime or evening. If no time is specified, select Not available.