Edit Scheduled Job

This dialog allows you to edit the configuration for store level jobs that are currently scheduled to run for your store.

Job command
The URL-based name of the command you are editing.
Job parameters
The queryString of the command to be run. All special characters, such as &, =, /, and ?, must be encoded.
Start date
The date the first running of this store job should occur.
Start time
The time the first running of this store job should occur.
Associated user
The user on whose behalf this job is run. By default, the username of the current user is entered in this field. It may be replaced by typing in another user ID. This parameter is stored in the LOGONID column of the USERREG database table.
Allowed Host
The name of the host allowed to run this store job. If this parameter is omitted, then the store job can be run by any host. The parameter is only needed if the scheduler is running on multiple hosts and if a store job needs to be restricted to one of them. The host name should be in the form: name.domain
Schedule interval
The number of seconds between successive runs of this store job. If this parameter is omitted, the store job runs only once.
Job attempts
The number of times that the scheduler retries the job, if it fails. This parameter should be used together with the delay parameter. Both parameters must be present to re-try the store job.
Seconds to retry
The number of seconds before a failed job is retried. This parameter should be used together with the attempts parameter. Both parameters must be present to re-try the store job.
Scheduler policy
Specifies the policy to be used by the scheduler when the store job has failed to run more than once. Two possible values are defined:
  • The store job runs only once. The next run of a store job is scheduled for the future. This is the default.
  • The store job runs as many times as necessary to recover all missed runs.
Job priority
The number associated with the priority of this store job. This value is inserted into the SCCPRIORITY column of the SCHCONFIG table. A greater number indicates a higher priority job.
Application type
The parameter used to identify a grouping for the store job being added. The purpose of this parameter is to constrain resource-intensive jobs to a limited number of threads. The application types, and the rules governing their access to resources, are defined by the user in the XML Server Configuration file. The default application type is null or default.
Task command
The task command that determines whether the job needs to run.