Find Store - Search Results

This page displays the results from the service agreement search.

The search results display in a table with the following information:

Store Name
The name of the store matching the search.
Service Agreement Name
The unique name of the service agreement used to define the store.
Store Status
The current status of the store matching the search.
Click this button to open the New Store page so that you can create a new store by importing a service agreement XML file. The service agreement XML file must be accessible from your local workstation.
Click this button to suspend a store. Suspending a store closes the store and prevents customers from having access to the store. Also, the seller cannot open a suspended store.
Click this button to resume a store. Resuming a store allows the seller to open the store. When a store is resumed, the store is closed.
Click this button to open a store. Opening a store allows both the seller and customers to access the store.
Click this button to close a store. Closing a store prevents customers from accessing the store, but the seller continues to have access to the store.
Click this button to deploy a service agreement manually if the service agreement is listed in the DeploymentFailed state. Deployment of a service agreement typically occurs automatically after the service agreement is imported.
Click this button to view a summary of a service agreement.
Click this button to export a service agreement. Exporting a service agreement exports a service agreement in XML format from Transaction server.
Click this button to find a service agreement matching your search criteria
Click this button to update the list of sellers and the status of the service agreements.
Click this button to open the reports page.
Click this button to delete a service agreement.