Contracts or Accounts - Payment and Billing

Use this page to assign the permitted payment and billing methods for the contract or account.

Allow payment using the account's credit line
Select this option to allow orders under this contract to use the parent account's credit line for payment. If the parent account has no defined credit lines, then this check box is disabled. This check box is disabled when setting payment terms in a business account.

Existing payment and billing methods are displayed in a table with the following information:

Payment name
The name of the payment method.
Billing address
The address to which orders should be billed.

If the billing address is not predefined in the contract, then you can select an address from the following address books:

Customer's personal address book
Select this check box to use the billing address from the customer's personal address book. An address from this address book may be the customer's home address, or a friend's address.
Customer's parent organization's address book
Select this check box to use the billing address from the customer's parent organization's address book. For example, the customer may be placing the order for IBM, so the IBM address will be used.
Customer's business account organization's address book
Select this check box to use the customer's business account organization's address book. For example, the customer may be placing the order for a business account with the software division of IBM, so the IBM software division address will be used.