Contracts - Product selection constraints

Use this page to define product selection constraints for categories and products in the store. In particular, this page is used to make products available for sale which are in categories which the contract cannot view, and to remove products which belong to categories which would otherwise be available for sale.

Exclude for sale the following categories and items in this contract
Select this option to define which subcategories and products should be excluded from the contract. If you select this option, the following selection tools appear:
Selected exclusions
Lists the exclusions selected for this contract.
Available exclusions
Lists the available product set business policies that can be excluded from the contract. Product set business policies are created using the Product Management tools.
Excluded categories and products
This field displays the subcategories and products that have been selected for exclusion from this contract. This field is controlled by the following buttons:
Click this button to search for a subcategory or product to add to the excluded list.
Click this button to browse a category tree for a subcategory or product to add to the excluded list.
Click this button to remove a highlighted subcategory or product from the excluded list.
  1. Buyers browsing a store under a contract with categories excluded in the Excluded categories and products field will be able to see the excluded category as part of the categories available in the store. When buyers attempt to browse the excluded category, the excluded category will not contain any products.
  2. Products added to a category excluded using Excluded categories and products field after the contract is deployed will appear to buyers when they browse the excluded category and they will be available for purchase under the contract. To prevent this, create a product set business policy from the category to be excluded and exclude the product set business policy from the contract. Product set business policies are created using the Product Management tools.
Include for sale only the following categories and items in this contract
Select this option to define which categories and products should be included in the contract. If you select this option, the following selection tools appear:
Selected inclusions
Lists the inclusions selected for this contract.
Available inclusions
Lists the available product set business policies that can be included in the contract. Product set business policies are created using the Product Management tools.
Included categories and products
This field displays the categories and products that have been selected for inclusion in this contract. This field is controlled by the following buttons:
Click this button to search for a category or product to add to the included list.
Click this button to browse a category tree for a subcategory or product to add to the included list.
Click this button to remove a highlighted category or product from the included list.
Important: Products added to a category included using Included categories and products field after the contract is deployed will not appear to buyers when they browse the included category nor will they be available for purchase under the contract. To prevent this, create a product set business policy from the category to be included and include the product set business policy from the contract. Product set business policies are created using the Product Management tools.