Contracts - Contracts List

Use this list to view the defined contracts for an account. It enables you to create new contracts. It also enables you to change or delete existing contracts. Furthermore, you can control defined contracts.

The name of the contract.
Short Description
The short description provided when the contract was created.
The date and time when the contract started.
The date and time when the contract expires.
The current status for the contract.
The date when the contract was created.
Indicates whether a user is using the Contract notebook within the HCL Commerce Accelerator to edit the terms and conditions within a contract. Locking a contract prevents multiple users from simultaneously changing the same terms and conditions within a contract. To view when and by whom a contract has been locked, select the contract name and click Summary.
Click this button to create a new contract for the account.
Click this button to import a contract. Importing a contract or service agreement uploads a service agreement in XML format from your local client to the Transaction server and optionally deploys (depending on the state of the contract) the service agreement in HCL Commerce.
New Version
Click this button to create a new draft version of the selected contract.
Click this button to change the selected contract.
Click this button to submit the contract for approval by the organization's approver.
Click this button to deploy the contract to the store.
Update Catalog Filter
Click this button to use the Catalog Filter to update your contract product and pricing terms and conditions without Creating a version of a contract.
Click this button to reactive a suspended contract.
Click this button to suspend an active contract.
Click this button to view a summary of the selected contract.
Click this button to export a contract. Exporting a contract or service agreement exports a service agreement in XML format from Transaction server.
Click this button to view reports for the selected contract.
Click this button to create a new contract based on the selected contract.
Click this button to cancel the selected contract.
Click this button to find a contract.
Click this button to refresh the contracts list.
Click this button to delete the selected contract.
Click this button to unlock the selected contract. If a user is editing a contract, then it is considered locked to other users. A Site Administrator, Sales Manager, or Seller can unlock a contract for a user (for example, if a user's system stops while the user is editing the contract, the contract may be locked on the system, and an administrator must click this button to unlock it).