Order Summary

This shows details about an order. Information presented on this page is read-only. The contents of this page depend on the information provided when the order was created, such as the products selected, tax and shipping charges, total price, billing and shipping addresses, payment options, and any comments.

Order information

Order number
The order number that uniquely identifies the order.
Last updated
The date and time that the order was last updated, including the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The date and time are based on the current system time for the machine where HCL Commerce Server is installed.
Order status
  • The status of the order:
    The order process has started (items have been added to the shopping cart), but the order has not been submitted yet for processing.
    The order has been submitted and is being processed.
    The order is being edited. (No automated processes can be performed on the order in this state.)
    The order is closed. All order items have been shipped.
    The order has been canceled.
Consumer direct (B2C)Originator logon ID
Consumer direct (B2C)

The customer logon ID for shopping at the store as provided during registration.

The logon ID for the person who originated the order as provided during registration. Depending on the terms stipulated in a contract, another individual might have the authority to change or request changes to the order. This individual is not the originator of the order, but this individual might need to specify the originator logon ID when requesting an update at the store. An employee of IBM might create the original order, for example, but the employee's manager might contact the store to change the order. To locate this order, the store may request the originator's logon ID.

B2B directOrganization name
B2B directThe name of the organization with which the customer is associated. This organization has defined contracts with the store that stipulate terms for the customer to shop at the store. For example, the organization IBM might have contracts with the ABC Office Supplies Store.
B2B directPurchase order number
B2B directThe purchase order number, which the customer must provide when ordering at the store. The purchase order number authenticates the customer as one that is authorized to order from the store as stipulated in the terms of the contract between the store and the customer.
Product Name
A short description of the product.

B2B directIf the product is personalized for an RFQ request (for example, the customer might have specified a particular color or size), then the View personalized attributes link is displayed under the product name. Click this link to view details about the personalized attributes, such as the attribute name and value, and any default units or operators to qualify the personalized attributes.

The stock keeping unit (SKU) for the product that uniquely identifies the product.
The quantity of a particular product within the order.
B2B directContract Name
The name of the contract. A contract stipulates the terms for the customer to shop at the store.
Indicates whether the customer requested that the order item be expedited (Y = yes, N = no).
Requested Ship Date
The date on which the customer wants the item to be shipped.
The price for each unit of the product ordered (for example, in an online book store, this might be the price per book) in the customer's preferred currency. If customers have not provided their preferred currency during registration, the price is displayed using the store's default currency.
The total discount applied to an individual product. This amount is subtracted from the total cost of the product.
The total cost, before tax and shipping, for a particular product within the order in the customer's preferred currency. If customers have not provided their preferred currency during registration, the total is displayed using the store's default currency.
Order level discount
The discount applied to the entire order. This amount is subtracted from the total cost of the order.
Minus adjustment
An additional amount to be subtracted from the total cost of the order (to provide a customer with an additional discount based on customer loyalty for shopping at your store, for example, the amount displays here). Note that the amount is an adjustment made before tax and shipping charges have been calculated.
Surcharge adjustment
Any additional adjustment, in addition to any adjustments already applied. For example, a restocking fee, or a credit note.
The total shipping charge on the order; that is, the original shipping charge plus the any shipping adjustments.
Original shipping
If the order includes a shipping charge adjustment, this field displays the shipping charge amount before the adjustment.
Shipping adjustment
If the order includes a shipping charge adjustment, this field displays the adjusted amount.
The amount of credit from coupons.
The total tax charge on the order.
Order total
The total cost of the order in the customer's preferred currency. If customers have not provided their preferred currency during registration, the total is displayed using the store's default currency.

Shipping information

Estimated ship date
The date that the store predicts all products selected for the order will be ready for delivery to the specified shipping address, including the year, month, and day. The estimated ship date information only displays when there is insufficient inventory for one or more products in the order.
Product Name
A short description of the product.
The stock keeping unit (SKU) for the product, which uniquely identifies the product.
B2B direct Contract Name
B2B directThe name of the contract. A contract stipulates the terms with which the customer can shop at the store.
Ship Date
The date that the order is shipped to the specified shipping address, including the year, month, and day.
Indicates whether the customer requested that the order item be expedited (Y = yes, N = no).
Requested Ship Date
The date on which the customer wants the item to be shipped.
Shipment Tracking ID
An ID that uniquely identifies the shipped order. Use this ID to track the shipping status of shipments. If more than one tracking ID exists for the order, then all IDs are listed here.
Shipping Method
The method in which the order will be shipped. A shipping method is a combination of a company and a specific service offered by that company (for example, ABC Shipping Company, Overnight Service).
Shipping Address
The address where the order will be shipped.
Shipping Instructions
Optional instructions provided by the customer or Customer Support Representative that print on the shipping label to provide delivery instructions for the carrier (for example, "leave on back porch"). Only textual shipping instructions are supported. Shipping instructions are associated with a particular order, a particular address, and a particular shipping mode (a combination of shipping carrier and shipping service). An order can potentially have multiple shipping instructions associated with it. If an order has four items, for example, two items might have shipping instructions that say "leave on back porch" and the other two order items might have instructions that say "leave with neighbors".
B2B direct Shipping Charge Type
B2B directIdentification of who pays for the shipping orders. The following types of shipping charges are supported:
  • Free shipping - There are no shipping charges.
  • Shipping charged by seller - The seller calculates the shipping charges when the order is captured, and the shipping costs become part of the order total.
  • Shipping charged by carrier - The carrier calculates the shipping cost and assumes the responsibility of collecting payment from the buyer. Shipping fees are not calculated for order items that are selected as "shipping charged by carrier" when the order is captured.
B2B direct Shipping Carrier Account Number
B2B directA customer who has a pre-existing relationship with a shipping carrier can enter his account number that was assigned by the carrier when submitting his order. That account number is displayed here if the customer specified that the shipping charge type is "shipping charged by carrier," meaning the charges for the shipment will be collected by the carrier.

Payment information

Payment status
The overall status of the order, such as all transactions are successful, some transactions failed, or not available (the payment information could not be obtained, or the order was canceled). For more information about individual payment transactions, see the payment history.
Payment method
The method of payment for an order, such as VISA, AMEX, Master Card, Check, LOC (line of credit), COD (cash on delivery), BillMe, and PayLater.
The payment amount for that particular payment method and account.
The account used for billing the order for that payment method. For example, for credit card payments, the cardholder account number is shown, with all digits except the last four masked.
B2B direct Purchase order number
B2B directThe purchase order number, which the customer can provide when ordering at the store. The purchase order number authenticates the customer as one that is authorized to order from the store, as stipulated in the terms within the contract between the store and the customer.
Billing address
The address where the bill for payment of the order will be sent.


Comments for the order, such as the reason for canceling an order, and the date they were created. Comments are e-mailed to the customer, if indicated.

E-mail order

Click this button to send the order summary in an e-mail.