Select Shopping Cart Option

This dialog is displayed when you have selected use of the channel store's shopping cart (that is, the Commerce Plaza shopping cart) from the Release to column on the Process Orders dialog. Use this page to specify how products should be released to one or more shopping carts on the channel store site.

Release all selected products to an existing shopping cart
Select this option to release all contents selected (from the Process Orders dialog) to be released to the channel store site to a shopping cart previously created on the manufacture's site.
Release all selected products to a new shopping cart
Select this option to release all contents selected (from the Process Orders dialog) to be released to the channel store to a new shopping cart on the channel store site. Type the name of the new shopping cart in the New shopping cart name field provided.
Release selected products to a separate shopping cart for each customer order
Select this option to release all contents selected (from the Process Orders dialog) to be released to the channel store to a new shopping cart on the channel store site. Each shopping cart page will be entitled "Shopping cart for customer order xxx", where xxx is the unique order number for the customer associated with this shopping cart and order.