Order - Billing Address

Use this page to view a list of billing addresses for a customer and to select one address as the billing address for the order. To add a billing address to this list, click New.

B2B directNote: Depending on the terms stipulated in the customer's contract, you might not have the authority to change the billing address for the order or create a new one. If this is the case, then the information presented on this page is read-only.
Address Identifier
The brief (one- or two-word) description to identify the billing address. For example, if the customer wants to bill an order to their home address, use a billing address identifier called "Home." Likewise, to bill an order to your work location instead of to your home, use an address identifier called "Work."
Last Name
The customer's last name.
First Name
The customer's first name.
Billing Address
The customer's billing address, including the city, state or province, country or region, and ZIP or postal code. If provided, the telephone number and e-mail address are also included here.
Click this button to add a new billing address for the customer.