Order - Product Availability

After products have been selected for an order, use this page to view the selected products and to specify whether inventory for products selected for the order is available.

If the order contains more than one product, and at least one product is not available, you have three options:

  1. Wait until inventory replenishes and then ships
  2. Split the order and ship the inventory available now and ship the remaining products in a separate order, when inventory replenishes.
  3. Remove the product from the order.
Product Name
A short description of the product.
The stock keeping unit (SKU) for the product, which uniquely identifies the product.
The quantity of the product the customer wants to order.
B2B direct Contract Name
B2B directThe name of the contract associated with the order. A contract stipulates the terms for the customer to shop at the store.
Availability Date
The date that sufficient inventory for the product is available for purchasing, including the year, month, and day. This date is the same as the expected inventory date.
Move to Separate Order
Indicates whether the product is part of a split order.
Click this button to remove selected products from the order.
Keep in Current Order
In a split order, the original order is divided into two separate orders. Click this button to keep the selected products in the original order.
Move to Separate Order
In a split order, the original order is divided into two separate orders. Click this button to transfer the selected products from the original order to the second order.