Find Customers - Search Results

Use this list to view customers who are registered, and details about the customers. Select the check box next to the customer or customer for which you want to take actions (using the buttons).

Customer Logon ID
The customer's store logon ID as provided during registration.
First Name
The customer's first name as provided during registration.
Last Name
The customer's last name as provided during registration.
Phone Number
The customer's primary phone number as provided during registration.
The city of the customer's contact address as provided during registration.
ZIP/Postal Code
The customer's ZIP or postal code as provided during registration.
B2B directAccount
B2B directThe customer's account name. This is typically the name of the organization with which the customer is associated, and this organization has defined contracts with the store, stipulating terms and conditions for the customer to shop at the store. For example, the organization IBM may have contracts with the ABC Office Supplies Store.
Reset Password
Click this button to have the system generate a new password for the customer. You may want to do this if the customer has forgotten their logon password for shopping at the store, or has been locked out of their account. The new password is e-mailed to the customer's primary e-mail address.
  1. If no e-mail address is specified during registration, you cannot reset the password for the customer.
  2. To reset a password, the system should be configured for messaging.
Consumer direct (B2C) New Customer
Consumer direct (B2C)Click this button to register a new customer to the store.
Consumer direct (B2C) Change
Consumer direct (B2C)Click this button to edit details about the customer, such as profile, address, contact, and demographic information.
B2B direct Customer Summary
Click this button to view details about the customer, including the customer logon ID, name, security information, and preferred language and currency.
Click this button to view a list of orders for the customer.
Click this button to view a list of returns for the customer.
B2B direct Contracts
B2B directClick this button to view a list of contracts for the customer's account. The contracts specify term and conditions for shopping at the store.
B2B direct Account Summary
B2B directClick this button to view details about the customer's account with the store.