Approval Submissions

This page is used by approval request submitters to keep track of their approval submissions. They can view submissions awaiting approval, or submissions that have already been approved or rejected. They can also view the details of any submission.

Choose the status of the requests to view in the Approval Submissions list. Choices are All, Pending, Approved or Rejected. The default is All.
A unique identification code for the submission.
The unique login ID of the approver reviewing the submission.
The name of the business process for which approval has been requested.
Indicates whether an approval submission is pending, has been approved or has been rejected.
Submitted on
The date and time of submission.

The three columns listed below display if Approved or Rejected have been selected in the View field, or search results are being displayed in the Search Requests - approval submissions list.

Approved on
Indicates date and time of approval. This displays only if status is Approved.
Rejected on
Indicates date and time of rejection. This displays only if status is Rejected.
Additional comments about the approval or rejection.
Displays details of selected approval request.
Displays Find Approval Requests form.