PageLayout: WidgetDefinition Noun

A WidgetDefinition represents a widget (or component) that can be placed on a page layout. WidgetDefinition's are registered on a system and each store can subscribe to using any of them. This noun describes the definition (or registration) of the widget itself and not the application of it to a layout. A widget definition describes a widget on the system including a name, description, vendor, state, JSP path, properties, definition XML and other properties.
This noun is used for authoring and store purposes to retrieve data only.

BOD Summary

Access Profile and Expression Builder columns are for Get BOD only.
BOD Action Code / Access Profile Action Expression Service Provided Sample XML Message Client Library / Expression Builder
GetWidgetDefinition IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Admin_All /WidgetDefinition[WidgetDefinitionIdentifier[(UniqueID=)]] Gets widget definitions given one or more unique IDs. The widget definitions returned must subscribe to the particular store set in the request context. Request

IBM_Admin_Summary /WidgetDefinition Gets all widget definitions subscribed to by the store set in the request context. Request

IBM_Admin_Summary IBM_Admin_All /WidgetDefinition[WidgetType='$widgetType$'] Gets all widget definitions of a particular type.
WidgetType specifies if the widget is classified as a widget or a container widget. WidgetType is a numeric value:
  • 1 - Widget
  • 2 - Container


Access Profile

Some sample XML request and response web service messages are provided for each noun. These sample messages might not include all properties or attributes. To view a sample message that includes other properties or attributes, enable logging and tracing for the appropriate component and then call the web service to set or change the properties or attributes. Review the corresponding log file to see the request or response information.

Access Profile Data Returned
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetDefinitionIdentifier\UniqueID
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetDefinitionIdentifier\ExternalIdentifier\Identifier
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetDefinitionIdentifier\ExternalIdentifier\StoreIdentifier\UniqueID
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetDefinitionIdentifier\ExternalIdentifier\StoreIdentifier\ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)\NameIdentifier
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetObjectName
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetType
  • \WidgetDefinition\Vendor
  • \WidgetDefinition\Path
  • \WidgetDefinition\State
  • \WidgetDefinition\DefinitionXML
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetProperty(@sequenceOrder)\Name
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetProperty(@sequenceOrder)\StoreIdentifier\UniqueID
  • \WidgetDefinition\WidgetProperty(@sequenceOrder)\Value
This access profile is designed to return widget definition base information and widget properties pertinent for store execution.
IBM_Admin_Summary IBM_Store_Summary
This access profile is designed to return widget definition base information and widget properties used for a brief summary in the Commerce Composer tool.
IBM_Admin_All IBM_Admin_Summary
  • \WidgetDefinition\Description(@language)\DisplayName
  • \WidgetDefinition\Description(@language)\Description
  • \WidgetDefinition\ConfigurableSlot\InternalSlotId
  • \WidgetDefinition\ConfigurableSlot\PositionProperty
  • \WidgetDefinition\ConfigurableSlot\SlotType
  • \WidgetDefinition\CreatedDate
  • \WidgetDefinition\LastUpdate
This access profile is designed for the Commerce Composer Tool. It returns detailed information of a widget definition.

XSD files