Defect HC-6817

Deleted catalog entries remain in Promotion Inclusion/Exclusion List


Customer case Applies to Corrected in
CS0159071 V8.0.4.24

Observed behavior

When promotions are created with explicit inclusions or exclusions of catalog entries, the catalog entries remain in those lists even after deleting the catalog entries.

Expected behavior

Catalog entries must be active when creating an inclusion or exclusion list. Catalog entries that have been deleted after the promotion is created (or copied) will appear as blank rows in the inclusion and exclusion lists when the promotion is opened for edit.

The business user is able to remove the entries manually when editing the promotion.


A new \"cleanconf\" entry is added into db2/wcs.staging.xml, oracle/wcs.staging.xml, wcs. and to remove the include and exclude entries from the promotion where the catalog entry has been marked for deletion.