Defect HC-2144

Org Admin console is throwing File Not Found Exception


Customer case Applies to Corrected in
CS0092894 V8.0.4.24

Observed behavior

An exception similar to the following appears in the logs:

[21/02/20 13:00:57:371 IST] 00000051 ServletWrappe E service SRVE0014E: Uncaught service() exception root cause Alias Proxy File Servlet: SRVE0190E: File not found: /javascript/tools/common/ExitValidate.js

Expected behavior

The buttons as they exist on the page do not call the onclick javascript functions defined for them, since they were not declared as the correct type: button.


The button elements were updated to add \"type=button\" to each: LUS_ActionButton, addButtonInclude, removeButtonInclude, addButtonExclude and removeButtonExclude so that the properly handlers are called.