Running the server deployment process

Now that you have generated your deployment package and configured your deployment settings, you can run the server deployment process on your WebSphere Commerce server. Ensure that you perform a system backup before proceeding with this task.

Before you begin

The application server and the database must be started before the server deployment process can be run.

Before running the server deployment process, it is highly recommended that the following recovery measures be taken:
Important: If you do not take these recovery measures, you will not be able to recover if a deployment failure occurs.


  1. Open a command prompt and change to the WCBD_deploy_server_dir directory.
  2. Run the following command:
    wcbd-ant.bat -buildfile wcbd-deploy.xml -Dtarget.env=target-env
    LinuxAIXFor IBM i OS operating system
    ./wcbd-ant -buildfile wcbd-deploy.xml -Dtarget.env=target-env


In addition to providing execution information to the console, the server deployment process generates a log in the following location: WCBD_deploy_server_dir/logs/build-label-target-env-tstamp/wcbd-deploy-server.log