This table stores demographics information for users.

Column Descriptions:

USERS_IDBIGINT NOT NULLForeign key to the USER table for the member (user) who is associated with this demographic information.
GENDERCHAR (1)The gender of the user. Valid values are as follows:
  • F = female
  • M = male
  • N = not provided
If not provided, N is used as the default.
AGEINTEGERThe age group the user is in. The default value is 0 (age group not provided). Other values are configurable.
INCOMEINTEGERThe annual income for the user. Valid values are configurable.
MARITALSTATUSCHAR (1)The marital status of the user. Valid values are configurable.
INCOMECURRENCYCHAR (3)Currency for the income of the user.
CHILDRENINTEGERThe number of children that the user has. If not provided, the default is 0.
HOUSEHOLDINTEGERNumber of people in the household.
COMPANYNAMEVARCHAR (128)The company for which the user works.
HOBBIESVARCHAR (254)The main interests and hobbies of the user.
ORDERBEFORECHAR (1)Indicates whether or not the user has previously placed an order. This value is supplied by the user.
FIELD1CHAR (1)Customizable.
TIMEZONECHAR (5)The time zone in which the user resides.
FIELD2CHAR (1)Customizable.
FIELD7VARCHAR (64)Customizable.
FIELD3CHAR (1)Customizable.
FIELD4CHAR (1)Customizable.
FIELD5VARCHAR (254)Customizable.
DATEOFBIRTHDATEThe date of birth of the user stored as an absolute point in time. The year 1896 is internally designated as the year if the user does not provide a year of birth, as it includes all valid dates in the Gregorian calendar.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINTThe optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType