Pricing assets information model diagram description

This diagram shows the relationship between the TradingAgreement Enterprise bean and the following objects:

A Participant Enterprise bean has a composite association to zero or one TradingAgreement Enterprise bean. A TradingAgreement Enterprise bean has zero or more Participant objects. Additionally, a Participant Enterprise bean has a composite association to zero or one TermCondition Enterprise bean. A TermCondition Enterprise bean has zero or more Participant objects. A Participant Enterprise bean has an association to one ParticipantRole object and an association to zero or one Member Enterprise bean.
A ParticipantRole object has an association to one Participant Enterprise bean. A Participant Enterprise bean is associated with one, and only one, ParticipantRole.
A Member Enterprise bean has zero or more Participant objects that are associated with it. A Participant Enterprise bean has an association to zero or one Member Enterprise bean.
A TermCondition Enterprise bean has a composite association to zero or one TradingAgreement. A TradingAgreement Enterprise bean has zero or more TermCondition Enterprise beans. Additionally, a TermCondition Enterprise bean has zero or more Participant Enterprise beans. A Participant Enterprise bean has a composite association to zero or one TermCondition Enterprise bean.
A PriceTCType object is associated with TermCondition Enterprise bean. A TermCondition Enterprise bean has an association to PriceTCType object. Additionally, a PriceTCType object is associated with zero or one TradingPositionContainer Enterprise bean.
A BusinessPolicy Enterprise bean can be associated with TermCondition Enterprise bean. A TermCondition Enterprise bean can be associated with zero or one BusinessPolicy Enterprise bean. Additionally, a BusinessPolicy Enterprise bean has a composite association to StoreEntity Enterprise bean.
A PricePolicy object is associated with BusinessPolicy Enterprise bean. A BusinessPolicy Enterprise bean is associated with PricePolicy object.
A TradingPositionContainer Enterprise bean has zero or one PriceTCType object. A TradingPositionContainer has one owner, the Member Enterprise bean. A PriceTCType object is associated with zero or one TradingPositionContainer Enterprise bean.
An Offer Enterprise bean has a composite association to TradingPositionContainer Enterprise bean. An Offer Enterprise bean is associated with one CatalogEntry Enterprise bean.
An OfferPrice Enterprise bean has a composite association to one or more Offers.
A Contract Enterprise bean can be associated with zero or one TradingAgreement Enterprise bean. A Contract has one owner, the Member Enterprise bean. A TradingAgreement Enterprise bean can be associated with zero or one Contract Enterprise bean. Additionally, a Contract can be associated with a Catalog Enterprise bean. A Contract Enterprise bean has a deployed contract with Store Enterprise bean.
A StoreEntity Enterprise bean has one or more BusinessPolicy Enterprise beans. A BusinessPolicy Enterprise bean is associated with only one StoreEntity Enterprise bean. A StoreEntity has one owner, the Member Enterprise bean. Furthermore, a StoreEntity can be associated with zero or more CatalogEntry Enterprise beans.
A Store Enterprise bean is associated with StoreEntity Enterprise bean. Additionally, a Store can have zero or one default Contract Enterprise bean. Furthermore, a Store Enterprise bean can have zero or more deployed Contract Enterprise beans.
A CatalogEntry Enterprise bean can have zero or one CatalogEntryShipping Enterprise bean that is associated with it. A CatalogEntryShipping Enterprise bean is associated with one, and only one, CatalogEntry Enterprise bean. Additionally, a CatalogEntry has an aggregate association to CatalogGroup Enterprise bean. Furthermore, a CatalogEntry can be associated with StoreEntity Enterprise bean.
A CatalogGroup Enterprise bean has an aggregate association to CatalogEntry Enterprise beans. A CatalogEntry Enterprise bean is associated with one, and only one, CatalogGroup.
A Catalog Enterprise bean has an aggregate association to CatalogGroup Enterprise bean. A Catalog can be associated with Contract Enterprise bean.