Sample: setting the price lock property

For WebSphere Commerce to respect pricing from Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler on a dynamic kit, the CONFIG: PRICE LOCKED property must be configured.

About this task

Models, model groups, and option items in a dynamic kit and its associated predefined dynamic kits can be price-locked in Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler. This sample procedure demonstrates how to set a price lock on an option item in Sterling Configurator Visual Modeler.


  1. From the Configurator tab of a dynamic kit in Management Center, click Visual Modeler.
  2. In Models and Groups, select your store.
  3. In the store folder for your store, open an existing model or create a model. To open an existing model, in the Models and Groups section, select the model and then click Edit Model/OGC/OIG in the top navigation bar.
    For example, if you are using the sample data, you can use the AuroraPC-001 model.
  4. To create a price lock with a pricing rule within a model:
    1. Go to the Rules tab. The rules tab is where the model is defined.
    2. From the inner tab, click Define.
    3. Click New.
    4. Enter information in the Name and Description fields. Keep other defaults.
    5. Click Save and Edit.
    6. In the Conditions section, create a Fragment.
      Note: The Fragment button looks like the parenthesis brackets ( ).
    7. A new Fragment editor shows. Complete the fields, similar to this example:
      A portion of an editor screen capture shows four rows of dialog windows. In the first row, Function1 displays the value "count" in a drop-down window; Property1 displays the value "_quantity" in a drop-down window; Model to use for locations is blank, and Location1 shows the variable "name of model." In row 2, Operator shows ">=" in a drop-down window. In row 3, Function2 displays the value literal, and Property2 displays the value 1. In row 4, a dialog that is labeled If not specified: displays the value "Rule is true."
      Note: For the Location1 field, click the ellipse button to the right of the field and choose the name of the model.
    8. Click Save and Return.
    9. Create assignment actions for the option item that you want to price lock. Click the assignment actions arrow to expand the Assignment Actions section.
      • If you set a price lock on a model, all option items in the model inherit the price lock.
      • You can set a lock on formula prices, such as propval("UI:Price")*0.5, and fixed prices, such as 5.00.

      To price lock the option item, create two rows for the option item in the Assignment Actions table. The first row sets the price lock on the option item, and the second row sets the price on the option item. In the first row, specify the following values:

      • Set the Property field to CONFIG: PRICE LOCKED.
      • Set the Value field to 1.
      • Set the Assign To field to the name of the option item.
      In the second row, specify the following values:
      • Set the Property field to UI: PRICE.
      • Set the Value field to the price that you want for the object. Specify a fixed price, such as 5.00, or a formula price, such as propval("UI:Price")*0.5.
      • Set the Assign To field to the name of the option item. Set this value to the same name as the option item in the first row.
      To add a row in the Assignment Actions table, click the Add item button. The figure shows an example where a price and price lock are set on an option item.
      An Assignment Actions screen capture is shown, with three columns ("Property," "Value," and "Assign To," plus a Delete button). In the first row, for the Property CONFIG:PRICE LOCKED, "Value" is set to 1. In row 2, set the Property UI: PRICEto your override price. For both rows, <option item> is displayed in the "Assign To" column.
    1. Click Save and Return.
    2. Click the Attach tab.
    3. In Unattached Rules, use the menu to locate the newly created rule. Click Attach.
    4. Click Save All Changes.
  5. Save and compile the model.