Interface UserRegistrationAddPreApprovalCmd

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AccCommand,,,,, ControllerCommand, ECCommand, Protectable,,, UserRegistrationCmd
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface UserRegistrationAddPreApprovalCmd
    extends UserRegistrationCmd,
    The UserRegistrationAddPreApprovalCmd command registers a guest user. This command is called by Unified Business Flow (UBF) framework if the URL command UserRegistrationAdd is called.

    This command replaces UserRegistrationAddCmd in WCS V5.1. After the user is registered, the user automatically logs on.

    A B2B user can be created by specified profileType equals to 'B'. B2B user may needed to be approved. To register a user under an organization or organizational unit, specify the parameter parentMember.

    The information of the new user is stored in the MEMBER, USERS, USERREG, MBRREL, USERPROF, BUSPROF, USERDEMO and ADDRESS tables.

    Use this command with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to ensure that the information are encrypted. To do so type the command with the HTTPS secure protocol.

    The parameter URL, logonId, logonPassword and logonPasswordVerify are mandatory. The rest of the parameters are all optional.


    • Calls an empty task command PreUserRegistrationAddCmd. Store Developers can overwrite it change the input to the command.
    • Updates the record of the current guest user in USERS table and changes the registration type from 'G' (guest) to 'R' (registered) and populates Distinguished Name.
    • Create a new record in USERREG table. If Authentication Mode is 'LDAP', the logonId field in USERREG table stores the Distinguished Name of the user and the logon password is stored in LDAP server, not in the USERREG table.
    • Member relationship information is stored in MBRREL table.
    • If any field related to USERPROF, BUSPROF and USERDEMO is specified, a new record will be created in these tables, otherwise, no record will be created.
    • If any field related to ADDRESS table is specified, a self address (also called register address, with selfAddress field set to '1' and nickname is same as logonId) will be created. Otherwise no record will be created in the ADDRESS table.
      Each user can have at most one self address.
    • Calls a task command ProcessParentMemberCmd to validate parentMember.
      If parentMember is null, the default parent is Default Organization (orgEntityId = -2000). If parentMember is not null, it can take two different type of values:
      • Encrypted orgEntityId (using "nc_crypt -e <orgentityId>")
      • Distinguished Name of the organization or organizational unit (eg. "o=Default Organization,o=Root Organization").
    • Calls a task command ProcessProfileTypeCmd to determinate and validate profileType.
      If profileType is not specified, and parentMember is not specified or is Default Organization, by default, the profileType is set to "C" and a B2C user will be created;
      If profileType is not specified and parentMember is not Default Organization, by default, the profileType is set to"B" and a B2B user will be created.
    • Calls a task command AuthenticationPolicyCmd to performs verification or update of a user credentials.
    • If preferredCurrency is not specified, default is the preferred currency in command context.
    • If a new address need to be created but addressType is not specified, default is 'SB' (Shipping and Billing address).
    • Check the required registration information parameters.
    • Calls a task command AuditUserRegistrationCmd to check the additional parameters. Store Developers need to add new code to the task command if they want to customizable check.
    • Calls a task command SetCurrencyPrefCmd to set preferred currency to command context.
    • Calls a task command UserRegistrationRoleAssignCmd to assign roles during self-registration. Currently this task command does nothing and it needs to be overridden by customers if they want to assign roles during self-registration.
    • If the authentication mode is 'LDAP', a user entry will be created in the LDAP server.
    • If the command fails, the UserRegistrationErrorView view command is called. Upon successful completion, the specified URL is called.
    • Calls an empty task command PostUserRegistrationAddCmd. Store Developers can overwrite it to perform additional operations.

    Exception Conditions

    • URL is null (_ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM).
    • The length of URL length equals 0 (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).
    • logonId is null (_ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM).
    • The length of logonId equals 0 (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).
    • logonId already exists in database (EC_UREG_ERR_LOGONID_EXISTS).
    • In LDAP Mode, the formulated Distinguished Name already exist in LDAP Sever or WCS Database (_ERR_RDN_ALREADY_EXIST).
    • logonPassword is null (_ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM).
    • The length of logonPassword equals 0 or greater than 70 (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).
    • logonPasswordVerify is null (_ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM).
    • logonPassword is not equal to logonPasswordVerify (EC_UREG_ERR_PASSWORDS_NOT_SAME).
    • profileType is not null and not equal to 'B' or 'C' (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).
    • parentMemberId is not null and not a foreign key set to the ORGENTITY table (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).
    • preferredCurrency is not null and not a foreign key set to the SETCCURR table (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).
    • preferredLanguage is not null and not a foreign key set to the LANGUAGE table (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).
    • age, income, children, household, demographicField6, publishPhone1, publishPhone2, and packageSupression is not null and not an integer (_ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM).