Class AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient

  • java.lang.Object
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT
        IBM Copyright notice field.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_VERB_ACTION_CREATE
        Deprecated. The preferred action to create is Add.
        The change verb constant to represents the action of Create.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_VERB_ACTION_UPDATE
        Deprecated. The preferred action to update is Change
        The change verb constant to represents the action of Update.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_VERB_ACTION_ADD
        The change verb constant to represents the action of Add.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_VERB_ACTION_CHANGE
        The change verb constant to represents the action of Change.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_VERB_ACTION_DELETE
        The change verb constant to represents the action of Delete.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient

        public AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient()
        Creates an instance of the business object document client facade.
      • AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient

        public AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient(BusinessContextType businessContext)
        Creates an instance of the business object document client facade.
        businessContext - The business context to associate with the client request. This will override the default business context that can be found on the thread.
      • AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient

        public AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentFacadeClient( callbackHandler)
        Creates an instance of the business object document client facade.
        callbackHandler - The security callback handler that is passed to the invocation service. The responsibility is for resolving the appropriate authentication for the component request. This override the default callback handler that can be found on the thread.
    • Method Detail

      • createActionExpression

        public static ActionExpressionType createActionExpression(java.lang.String actionCode,
                                                                  java.lang.String expressionLanguage,
                                                                  java.lang.String actionExpression)
        This method creates an action expression that can be used as part of the Process, Change or Sync verbs. The action expression returned is based on the specified action code, expression language and action expression.
        actionCode - The action code of the action expression. For example, for change verb, "Create", "Update" and "Delete" could be used.
        expressionLanguage - The expression language of the action expression.
        actionExpression - The action expression.
        The action expression that can be used in the Process, Change or Sync verb.
      • createProcessVerb

        public static ProcessType createProcessVerb(java.util.List actionExpressions)
        This is a utility method to create the Process verb. This method returns a new instance of the process verb and a single action criteria that contains the action expressions specified.
        actionExpressions - A list of ActionExpressionType to associate with the first ActionCriteria of the verb.
        A new instance of the process verb object. This process verb will contain the action expression specified.
      • createChangeVerb

        public static ChangeType createChangeVerb(java.util.List actionExpressions)
        This is a utility method to create the Change verb. This method returns a new instance of the change verb and a single action criteria that contains the action expressions specified.
        actionExpressions - A list of ActionExpressionType to associate with the first ActionCriteria of the verb.
        A new instance of the change verb object. This change verb will contain the action expression specified.
      • createSyncVerb

        public static createSyncVerb(java.util.List actionExpressions)
        This is a utility method to create the Sync verb. This method returns a new instance of the sync verb and a single action criteria that contains the action expressions specified.
        actionExpressions - A list of ActionExpressionType to associate with the first ActionCriteria of the verb.
        A new instance of the sync verb object. This sync verb will contain the action expression specified.
      • createGetVerb

        public static GetType createGetVerb(java.lang.String expressionLanguage,
                                            java.lang.String expression)
        This is a utility method to create the Get verb. This method returns a new instance of the get verb and a single expression type that contains the expression specified.
        expressionLanguage - The expression language of the expression.
        expression - The search expression for the request.
        A new instance of the get verb object. This get verb will contain the expression specified.
      • createGetVerb

        public static GetType createGetVerb(ExpressionType selectionCriteriaExpression)
        This is a utility method to create the Get verb. This method returns a new instance of the get verb and a single expression type that contains the expression specified.
        selectionCriteriaExpression - A list of ExpressionType for the request
        A new instance of the get verb object. This get verb will contain the expressions specified.