Class CatalogEntryFacadeClient

  • public class CatalogEntryFacadeClient
    extends AbstractCatalogFacadeClient

    This class provides common methods to the base catalog entry facade that this and other utility classes can use. This class also provides a set of convenient Java API to represent particular base catalog entry operation. This set of Java API also includes APIs for Web based requests to transform the name value pair request into the appropriate request documents.

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_VERB_ACTION_CHANGE
        The change verb constant to represents the action of Change.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_VERB_ACTION_ADD
        The process verb constant to represents the action of Add.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_VERB_ACTION_CREATE
        The process verb constant to represents the action of Create.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PROCESS_VERB_ACTION_DELETE
        The process verb constant to represents the action of Delete.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CatalogEntryFacadeClient

        public CatalogEntryFacadeClient()
        This method creates an instance of the client to communicate with the Base Catalog Entry facade.
      • CatalogEntryFacadeClient

        public CatalogEntryFacadeClient(BusinessContextType businessContext,
        This method creates an instance of the client to communicate with the Base Catalog Entry facade.
        businessContext - The default business context to associate with the messages when making requests.
        callbackHandler - Used for authentication purposes so the controller can give the authentication information to the transport when required.
    • Method Detail

      • changeCatalogEntry

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType changeCatalogEntry(java.lang.String[] action,
                                                                  CatalogEntryType[] catEntries,
                                                                  java.lang.String[] expression)
                                                           throws CatalogEntryException
        This method changes the catalog entry.
        action - the action to be applied to the catalog entry.
        catEntries - the catalog entry to be changed.
        expression - the expression corresponding to each action in the list.
        The RespondCatalogDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry Id.
      • updateCatalogEntryFulfillmentProperties

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryFulfillmentProperties(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntryId,
                                                                                       CatalogEntryFulfillmentPropertiesType[] catalogFulfill)
                                                                                throws CatalogEntryException
        This method updates the catalog entry fulfillment properties.
        catEntryId - The id of the catalog entry to be updated.
        catalogFulfill - The catalog entry fulfillment properties to be updated. The UserData of catalogFulfill can contain the following parameters: uom , backOrderable , returnNotDesired , forceBackOrder , releaseSeparately , trackInventory , creditable , quantityMultiple
        The RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry id and the updated catalog entry.
      • updateCatalogEntryDescription

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryDescription(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntryIds,
                                                                             CatalogDescriptionType[] catEntryDescs)
                                                                      throws CatalogEntryException
        This method updates the catalog entry descriptions. The value of catEntryIds[i] is the catalog entry identifier of the catalog entry description represented by catEntryDescs[i]. If there is only one element in catEntryIds, all catalog entry descriptions to be updated belong to the same catalog entry.
        catEntryIds - The ids of the catalog entry to be updated.
        catEntryDescs - The catalog entry description to be updated.
        The RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry id and the updated catalog entry.
      • updateCatalogEntryListPrice

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryListPrice(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntryIds,
                                                                           UnitPriceType[] catEntryListPrices)
                                                                    throws CatalogEntryException
        This method updates the catalog entry list prices. The value of catEntryIds[i] is the catalog entry identifier of the catalog entry description represented by catEntryDescs[i]. If there is only one element in catEntryIds, all catalog entry descriptions to be updated belong to the same catalog entry.
        catEntryIds - The ids of the catalog entry to be updated.
        catEntryListPrices - The catalog entry description to be updated.
        The RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry id and the updated catalog entry.
      • changeCatalogEntryKitComponents

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType changeCatalogEntryKitComponents(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntryIdentifiers,
                                                                               KitComponentType[] kitComponents,
                                                                               java.lang.String[] catenttypes,
                                                                               java.lang.String action)
                                                                        throws CatalogEntryException
        This method updates the catalog entry kit components. The value of catEntryIds[i] is the catalog entry identifier of the catalog entry description represented by catEntryDescs[i]. If there is only one element in catEntryIds, all catalog entry descriptions to be updated belong to the same catalog entry.
        catEntryIdentifiers - The identifiers of the catalog entries to be updated.
        kitComponents - The catalog entry kit components to be updated.
        catenttypes - The type of catalog entry being updated.
        action - The action to be performed.
        The RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry id and the updated catalog entry.
      • createCatalogEntry

        public java.util.Map createCatalogEntry(java.util.Map parameters)
        Creates a CatalogEntryType object with the given input parameters
        Sample code to use the API:
         Map parameters = new HashMap();
         parameters.put("catentryId", new String[] { "-10001", "-10002" });
         parameters.put("partnumber", new String[] { "AB-12345", "CD-45678" });
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,null);
         Map response = client.createCatalogEntry(parameters);
         String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catentryId");
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                catenttypeId: The name of Catentry Type attribute.
                      parentCategoryId: The name of the Catalog entry's Immediate Parent's Unique ID.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catentryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • createSKU

        public java.util.Map createSKU(java.util.Map parameters)
        This method create SKUs.
        Sample code to use the API:
         Map parameters = new HashMap();
         parameters.put("catentryId", new String[] { "-10001", "-10002" });
         parameters.put("partnumber", new String[] { "AB-12345", "CD-45678" });
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,null);
         Map response = client.createSKU(parameters);
         String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catentryId");
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                catenttypeId: The name of Catentry Type attribute.
                      buyable: The name of the buyable attribute.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catentryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • updateCatalogEntryDescription

        public java.util.Map updateCatalogEntryDescription(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                    throws CatalogEntryException
        Update the catalog entry description. Sample code to use the API:
         Map parameters = new HashMap();
         parameters.put("catentryId", new String[] { "-10001", "-10002" });
         parameters.put("partnumber", new String[] { "AB-12345", "CD-45678" });
         parameters.put("languageId", new String[] { "-1", "-1" });
         parameters.put("name", new String[] { "Kevlar Brake Pads",
                        "'Titanium Brake Pads" });
         parameters.put("sDesc", new String[] { "Kevlar Brake Pads",
                        "'Titanium Brake Pads" });
         parameters.put("lDesc", new String[] {
                        "Kevlar Brake Pads. Comes with a 2 year or 40,000 km warranty.",
                        "'Titanium Brake Pads. Suitable for all car and truck makes." });
         parameters.put("tImage", new String[] { "img/imageFile1_t.jpg",
                        "img/imageFile2_t.jpg" });
         parameters.put("fImage", new String[] { "img/imageFile1_f.jpg",
                        "img/imageFile2_f.jpg" });
         parameters.put("keyword", new String[] { "Brake Pads", "Brake Pads" });
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,
         Map response = client.updateCatalogEntryDescription(parameters);
         String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catentryId");
        parameters - This contains the value(s) to be updated for the given catalog entry descriptions.
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                  partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                  languageId: The langeuage ids to be used to update the descriptions.
                      name: The name to be updated for the given catalog entry description.
                      sDesc: The short description to be updated for the given catalog entry description.
                      lDesc : The long description to be updated for the given catalog entry description.
                      tImage: The thumbnail image to be updated for the given catalog entry description.
                                  fImage: The full image to be updated for the given catalog entry description.
                                  keyword: The keyword value can be used for search.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catentryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • createCatalogEntryAssociation

        public java.util.Map createCatalogEntryAssociation(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                    throws CatalogEntryException
        Creates a CatalogEntry Association Object with the given input parameters.
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                assocPartNumber: The name of association part number. 
                                associationId: The name of association Id.
                      quantity: The name of the merchandising association quantity.
                      sequence: The name of the merchandising association sequence.
                      name: The name of the merchandising association.
        Map of passed parameters
      • addCatalogEntryAssociation

        public java.util.Map addCatalogEntryAssociation(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                 throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method is used to add catalog entry merchandising associations to one or many catalog entries.
        parameters - A map of parameters of type String[] containing values for one or many catalog entries to add merchandising associations to.
        Map. A response map containing the modified catalog entries.
      • changeCatalogEntryAssociation

        public java.util.Map changeCatalogEntryAssociation(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                    throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method is used to change the merchandising associations of a catalog entry.
        parameters - A map of parameters to be used to extract values in order to determine which catalog entries to change associations for.
        Map A map of parameters containing the modified catalog entries.
      • deleteCatalogEntry

        public AcknowledgeCatalogEntryDataAreaType deleteCatalogEntry(java.util.List catalogEntryList)
                                                               throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request to delete catalog entries. The catalog entries that need to be deleted are passed as a list of CatalogEntryType objects containing all the information related to the catentry .
        catalogEntryList - a list of CatalogEntryType objects to be deleted.
        the AcknowledgeCatalogEntryDataAreaType
      • deleteCatalogEntry

        public java.util.Map deleteCatalogEntry(java.util.Map parameters)
                                         throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        Deletes a CatalogEntryType object with the given input parameters
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catentryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • deleteCatalogEntryAssociation

        public java.util.Map deleteCatalogEntryAssociation(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                    throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method is used to delete a catalog entry merchandising association.
        parameters - A map of parameters used to determine what catalog entry merchandising associations to delete.
        Map. A map of parameters containing the modified catalog entries.
      • changeCatalogEntryAssociation

        public java.util.Map changeCatalogEntryAssociation(java.util.Map parameters,
                                                           java.lang.String action)
                                                    throws CatalogEntryException
        Creates a CatalogEntry Association Object with the given input parameters.
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                assocPartNumber: The name of association part number. 
                                associationId: The name of association Id.
        action - The action to perform.
        Map A map of parameters containing the modified catalog entries.
      • changeCatalogEntryAssociation

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType changeCatalogEntryAssociation(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] parentIdentifiers,
                                                                             AssociationType[] associations,
                                                                             java.lang.String action)
                                                                      throws CatalogEntryException
        This method updates the catalog entry merchandising associations. The value of catEntryIds[i] is the catalog entry identifier of the catalog entry description represented by catEntryDescs[i]. If there is only one element in catEntryIds, all catalog entry descriptions to be updated belong to the same catalog entry.
        parentIdentifiers - The ids of the catalog entry to be updated.
        associations -
        action - The catalog entry description to be updated.
        The RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry id and the updated catalog entry.
      • buildCatalogEntryMerchandisingAssociationDataObject

        public AssociationType[] buildCatalogEntryMerchandisingAssociationDataObject(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] associationIdentifiers,
                                                                                     java.util.Map parameters)
        associationIdentifiers - An array of CatalogEntryIdentifierTypes for all the merchandising association catalog entries to build AssociationTypes for.
        parameters - A map of parameters to use for creating AssociationType, such as quantity and sequence.
                                quantity: The name of the merchandising association quantity.
                      sequence: The name of the merchandising association sequence.
                      name: The name of the merchandising association.
                      associationId: The name of association Id.
        AssociationType[]. An array of AssociationTypes that are created for each catalog entry identifier passed into this method.
      • addCatalogEntryKitComponent

        public java.util.Map addCatalogEntryKitComponent(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                  throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method is called to add one or many catalog entry kit components to one or many catalog entries.
        parameters - A map of parameters to use to add catalog entry kit components.
                    catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                          partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                          parentCatentryId: The name of the Catalogentry's Immediate Parent's Unique ID.
                    catenttypeId: The name of Catentry Type attribute.
                    quantity: The name of quantity.
                    sequence: The name of sequence.
        Map. A response map containing the catalog entries modified in the operation.
      • changeCatalogEntryKitComponent

        public java.util.Map changeCatalogEntryKitComponent(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                     throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        Use this method to change one or many catalog entry kit components.
        parameters - A map of parameters.
                    catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                          partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                          parentCatentryId: The name of the Catalogentry's Immediate Parent's Unique ID.
                    catenttypeId: The name of Catentry Type attribute.
                    quantity: The name of quantity.
                    sequence: The name of sequence.
        Map. A response map containing the modified catalog entries.
      • deleteCatalogEntryKitComponent

        public java.util.Map deleteCatalogEntryKitComponent(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                     throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        Use this method to delete one or many catalog entry kit components of one or many catalog entries.
        parameters - A map of parameters. The parameters are of type String[] to be used for one or more values for multiple operations to be performed.
        Map. A response map containing the modified catalog entries.
      • changeCatalogEntryKitComponent

        public java.util.Map changeCatalogEntryKitComponent(java.util.Map parameters,
                                                            java.lang.String action)
                                                     throws CatalogEntryException
        Creates a CatalogEntry Association Object with the given input parameters.
        parameters - The map of parameters to be used.
                    catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                          partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                          parentCatentryId: The name of the Catalogentry's Immediate Parent's Unique ID.
                    catenttypeId: The name of Catentry Type attribute.
                    quantity: The name of quantity.
                    sequence: The name of sequence.
        action - The action to perform.
      • removeCatalogEntryChild

        public java.util.Map removeCatalogEntryChild(java.util.Map parameters)
                                              throws CatalogEntryException
        Removes child of CatalogEntry
        parameters -
                    catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                          partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
        Map of modified of catalog entries.
      • updateCatalogEntryListPrice

        public java.util.Map updateCatalogEntryListPrice(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                  throws CatalogEntryException
        This method updates the list price of the catalog entries.
        Sample code to use the API:
         Map parameters = new HashMap();
         parameters.put("catentryId", new String[] { "-10001", "-10002" });
         parameters.put("partnumber", new String[] { "AB-12345", "CD-45678" });
         parameters.put("listprice", new String[] { 100, 200 });
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,
         Map response = client.updateCatalogEntryListPrice(parameters);
         String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catentryId");
        parameters - This contains the value(s) to be updated for the given catalog entry.
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                listprice: The name of the List Price attribute.
                                listpriceCurrency: The name of the Currency attribute of the List Price.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catentryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • createCatalogEntryAttributes

        public java.util.Map createCatalogEntryAttributes(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                   throws CatalogEntryException
        This method will create attributes for a catalog entry with the given input parameters. Sample code to use the API:
         Map parameters = new HashMap();
         parameters.put("catentryId", new String[] { "-10001", "-10002" });
         parameters.put("partnumber", new String[] { "AB-12345", "CD-45678" });
         parameters.put("attrName", new String[] { "color" });
         parameters.put("attrDataType", new String[] { "string" });
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,null);
         Map response = client.updateCatalogEntryDescription(parameters);
         String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catentryId");
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                attrName: The name of attribute.
                      attrUsage: The name of Usage of attribute.
                      attrDataType: The data type of the attribute.
                      attrDisplaySequence : The display sequence of the attribute.
                      attrDescription: The description of the attribute.
        Map of parameters
        CatalogEntryException - A CatalogEntryException is thrown if the attributes could not be created.
      • updateCatalogEntryAttributes

        public java.util.Map updateCatalogEntryAttributes(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                   throws CatalogEntryException
        This method will update attributes for a catalog entry with the given input parameters.
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                attrName: The name of attribute.
                      attrUsage: The name of Usage of attribute.
                      attrDataType: The data type of the attribute.
                      attrDisplaySequence : The display sequence of the attribute.
                      attrDescription: The description of the attribute.
        Map of parameters.
        CatalogEntryException - A CatalogEntryException is thrown if the attributes could not be updated.
      • deleteCatalogEntryAttributes

        public java.util.Map deleteCatalogEntryAttributes(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                   throws CatalogEntryException
        This method will delete attributes for a catalog entry with the given input parameters.
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                attrName: The name of attribute.
                      attrUsage: The name of Usage of attribute.
                      attrDataType: The data type of the attribute.
                      attrDisplaySequence : The display sequence of the attribute.
                      attrDescription: The description of the attribute.
        Map of parameters
        CatalogEntryException - A CatalogEntryException is thrown if the attributes could not be deleted.
      • updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntIds,
                                                                                CatalogGroupIdentifierType[] parentCatGrpIdentfiers)
                                                                         throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for updating the parent catalog group of products. The array of id's of catalog entries which need to be updated is to be passed as an array of CatalogEntryIdentifierType. An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        catEntIds -
        parentCatGrpIdentfiers -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • addCatalogEntryParentCatGroup

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType addCatalogEntryParentCatGroup(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntIds,
                                                                             CatalogGroupIdentifierType[] parentCatGrpIdentfiers)
                                                                      throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for adding the parent catalog group of products. The array of id's of catalog entries which need to be updated is to be passed as an array of CatalogEntryIdentifierType. An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        catEntIds -
        parentCatGrpIdentfiers -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup(CatalogEntryIdentifierType catEntryId,
                                                                                CatalogGroupIdentifierType parentCatGrpIdentfier)
                                                                         throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for updating the parent catalog group of a product. The id of catentry whose parent catgroup needs to updated is passed in CatalogEntryIdentifierType. The new parent catalog group identifier is to be passed in CatalogGroupIdentifierType An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        catEntryId -
        parentCatGrpIdentfier -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • createCatalogEntry

        public AcknowledgeCatalogEntryDataAreaType createCatalogEntry(java.util.List catalogEntryList)
                                                               throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request to create catalog entries. The catalog entries that need to be created are passed as a list of CatalogEntryType objects containing the all the information related to the catentry .
        catalogEntryList - a list of CatalogEntryType objects to be created.
        the AcknowledgeCatalogEntryDataAreaType
      • processCatalogEntry

        public AcknowledgeCatalogEntryDataAreaType processCatalogEntry(java.lang.String[] actionArray,
                                                                       CatalogEntryType[] catentries,
                                                                       java.lang.String[] strXPaths)
                                                                throws CatalogEntryException
        This method processes the catalog entry.
        actionArray - the action to be applied to the catalog entry.
        catentries - the catalog entry to be changed.
        strXPaths - the expression corresponding to each action in the list.
        The AcknowledgeCatalogEntryDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry .
      • updateCatalogEntry

        public java.util.Map updateCatalogEntry(java.util.Map parameters)
                                         throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method updates the catalog entries.
        Sample code to use the API:
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,
                        null);Map response = client.updateCatalogEntry(parameters);
                        String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catEntryId");
        parameters - This contains the value(s) to be updated for the given catalog Entry
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catEntryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • updateCatalogEntryParent

        public java.util.Map updateCatalogEntryParent(java.util.Map parameters)
                                               throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method updates the Parent of catalog entries. This is used for Master Catalog.
        Sample code to use the API:
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,
                        null);Map response = client.updateCatalogEntryParent(parameters);
                        String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catEntryId");
        parameters - This contains the value(s) to be updated for the given catalog Entry
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catEntryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • addCatalogEntryParent

        public java.util.Map addCatalogEntryParent(java.util.Map parameters)
                                            throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method adds a Parent to catalog entries. This is used for Sales Catalog.
        Sample code to use the API:
         CatalogEntryFacadeClient client = new CatalogEntryFacadeClient(businessContext,
                        null);Map response = client.updateCatalogEntryParent(parameters);
                        String[] outCatEntryIds = (String[]) response.get("catEntryId");
        parameters - This contains the value(s) to be updated for the given catalog Entry
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catEntryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • updateSKUParent

        public java.util.Map updateSKUParent(java.util.Map parameters)
        Update the SKU to Product relationship.
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                parentCategoryId: The name of the Catalog entry's Immediate Parent's Unique ID.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catentryId : The ids of the catalog entries being updated.
      • updateCatalogEntryParentCatEntry

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryParentCatEntry(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntIds,
                                                                                CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] parentCatEntryIdentfiers)
                                                                         throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for updating the parent catalog group of products. The array of id's of catalog entries which need to be updated is to be passed as an array of CatalogEntryIdentifierType. An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        catEntIds -
        parentCatEntryIdentfiers -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • updateCatalogEntryParentCatEntry

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryParentCatEntry(CatalogEntryIdentifierType catEntryId,
                                                                                CatalogEntryIdentifierType parentCatentryIdentfier)
                                                                         throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for updating the parent catalog group of a product. The id of catentry whose parent catgroup needs to updated is passed in CatalogEntryIdentifierType. The new parent catalog group identifier is to be passed in CatalogGroupIdentifierType An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        catEntryId -
        parentCatentryIdentfier -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • updateCatalogEntryParentCatentry

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryParentCatentry(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] childCatEntIds,
                                                                                CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] parentCatentryIdentfiers,
                                                                                java.lang.String[] actions)
                                                                         throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for updating the parent catalog group of products. The array of id's of catalog entries which need to be updated is to be passed as an array of CatalogEntryIdentifierType. An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        childCatEntIds -
        parentCatentryIdentfiers -
        actions -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • updateCatalogEntryNavigationRel

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryNavigationRel(CatalogEntryType[] catalogEntriesWithChildren,
                                                                               java.lang.String[] actions)
                                                                        throws CatalogEntryException
        • This method builds the request for updating the
        • display sequence of a catalog entry to catalog entry relationship.
        • The parent catalog entry noun is passed as the parameter.
        • This would also contain the catentry_id and new display sequence of each child to
        • to be updated as navigation relation ship type.
        catalogEntriesWithChildren - The main noun, containing the navigation relationship type.
        actions - The action code for each change required.
      • updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup(CatalogEntryIdentifierType[] catEntIds,
                                                                                CatalogGroupIdentifierType[] parentCatGrpIdentfiers,
                                                                                java.lang.String[] actions)
                                                                         throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for updating the parent catalog group of products. The array of id's of catalog entries which need to be updated is to be passed as an array of CatalogEntryIdentifierType. An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        catEntIds -
        parentCatGrpIdentfiers -
        actions -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryParentCatGroup(CatalogEntryIdentifierType catEntryId,
                                                                                CatalogGroupIdentifierType parentCatGrpIdentfier,
                                                                                java.lang.String action)
                                                                         throws CatalogEntryException
        This method builds and sends the request for updating the parent catalog group of a product. The id of catentry whose parent catgroup needs to updated is passed in CatalogEntryIdentifierType. The new parent catalog group identifier is to be passed in CatalogGroupIdentifierType An array of CatalogGroupIdentifierType is to be passed that represent the new parent catalog group of the corresponding catentries .
        catEntryId -
        parentCatGrpIdentfier -
        action -
        A RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType type.
      • deleteCatalogEntryParent

        public java.util.Map deleteCatalogEntryParent(java.util.Map parameters)
                                               throws AbstractBusinessObjectDocumentException
        This method builds and sends the request for deleting the parent of a catalog entry. The id of catalog entry whose parent catalog group has to be deleted is passed to this method along with the parent catalog group identifier.
        parameters - This contains the keys that can be passed..
                      catentryId : The internal reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                partnumber: The external reference ids of the catalog entries to be updated.
                                parentCategoryId: The name of the Catalog entry's Immediate Parent's Unique ID.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catgroup Id : The ids of the catalog entry being updated.
      • createGetCatalogEntry

        public GetCatalogEntryType createGetCatalogEntry()
        Returns a new instance of the GetBaseCatalogEntryType object. This object will be associated with a container object to convert the object into an XML document.
        A new instance of the GetBaseCatalogEntryType object that is associated with a container.
      • getCatalogEntry

        public ShowCatalogEntryDataAreaType getCatalogEntry(GetType getVerb)
                                                     throws CatalogEntryException
        This method returns the ShowCatalogEntryDataAreaType when issuing the specified get expression to fetch base catalog entry. This method will be used by other framworks or methods that constructs the get expression.
        getCatalogEntry in class AbstractCatalogFacadeClient
        getVerb - The get expression to execute.
        The ShowCatalogEntryDataAreaType response when issuing the get expression.
        CatalogEntryException - The CatalogEntryException is thrown if error is found
      • getCatalogEntry

        public java.util.List getCatalogEntry(java.lang.String expressionLanguage,
                                              java.lang.String expression)
                                       throws CatalogEntryException
        This method returns a list of base catalog entries based on the expression specified.
        getCatalogEntry in class AbstractCatalogFacadeClient
        expressionLanguage - The expression language.
        expression - The expression to return a list of base catalog entries.
        The list of base catalog entries that matches the expression specified.
        CatalogEntryException - The CatalogEntryException is thrown if error is found
      • getCatalogEntryWithPaging

        public java.util.Hashtable getCatalogEntryWithPaging(java.lang.String expressionLanguage,
                                                             java.lang.String expression,
                                                             java.lang.String maxItems,
                                                             java.lang.String refId,
                                                             java.lang.String startNum)
                                                      throws CatalogEntryException
        This method provides support for paging. Look at the returned hashtable description to see how paging values are passed back. Look at the parameters to be supplied for details on what paging parameters are to be passed in. It returns a list of base catalog entries based on the expression specified along with following paging parameters:
        expressionLanguage - The expression language.
        expression - The expression to return a list of base catalog entries.
        maxItems - Specifies max no of records to be retrieved.
        refId - The internal identifier for the result set, so that it can be resolved on a subsequent request.
        startNum - The starting index from which to retrieve results from the result set
        Returns a Hashtable containing the list of catalog entries that matches the expression specified and paging parameters. Following keys are used in the Hashtable:
        • 'response' - Used to store List containing Catalog Entries.
        • 'recordCount' - The number of records from the result set that are being returned in this message.
        • 'refId' - The internal identifier for the result set, so that it can be resolved on a subsequent request.
        • 'startNumber' - The starting index for the results that are being returned in this message.
        • 'totalRecords' - The total number of results in the result set.
        CatalogEntryException - The CatalogEntryException is thrown if error is found
      • updateCatalogEntryDescription

        public RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType updateCatalogEntryDescription(CatalogEntryType[] catEntries)
                                                                      throws CatalogEntryException
        This method updates multiple catalog entry descriptions of a single catalog entry.
        catEntries - The catalog entries for which the description is to be updated.
        The RespondCatalogEntryDataAreaType that contains the catalog entry id and the updated catalog entry.
      • getCatalogGroupWithPaging

        public java.util.Hashtable getCatalogGroupWithPaging(java.lang.String expressionLanguage,
                                                             java.lang.String expression,
                                                             java.lang.String maxItems,
                                                             java.lang.String refId,
                                                             java.lang.String startNum)
                                                      throws CatalogGroupException
        This method provides support for paging. Look at the returned hashtable description to see how paging values are passed back. Look at the parameters to be supplied for details on what paging parameters are to be passed in. It returns a list of base catalog groups based on the expression specified along with following paging parameters:
        expressionLanguage - The expression language.
        expression - The expression to return a list of base catalog groups.
        maxItems - Specifies max no of records to be retrieved.
        refId - The internal identifier for the result set, so that it can be resolved on a subsequent request.
        startNum - The starting index from which to retrieve results from the result set
        Returns a Hashtable containing the list of catalog groups that matches the expression specified and paging parameters. Following keys are used in the Hashtable:
        • 'response' - Used to store List containing Catalog Groups.
        • 'recordCount' - The number of records from the result set that are being returned in this message.
        • 'refId' - The internal identifier for the result set, so that it can be resolved on a subsequent request.
        • 'startNumber' - The starting index for the results that are being returned in this message.
        • 'totalRecords' - The total number of results in the result set.
      • updateDynamicKitPreConfiguration

        public java.util.Map updateDynamicKitPreConfiguration(java.util.Map parameters)
                                                       throws CatalogEntryException,
        Updates the dynamic kit preconfiguration with the given input parameters.
        parameters - This contains the dynamic kit pre configuration to be updated for the given catalog entry.
                      catentryId : The internal reference id of the catalog entry to be updated.
                                ConfigXML: The dynamic kit preconfiguration XML which is generated by the Sterling Configurator.
        Here is what is returned in the Map:
        catentryId : The id of the catalog entry being updated. ConfigXML: The dynamic kit preconfiguration XML.