Feature Pack 2: Deprecated feature

Creating e-mail activities

Use the E-mail Activity page to create e-mail activities.


  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
  2. Click Marketing > Campaign Activities.
    The Campaign Activity List displays containing all of the activities defined for the store. If you do not see this menu, then your logon ID does not have the appropriate authority to perform this task. Contact your Site Administrator.
  3. In the Filter by activity type view filter, select E-mail activities.
    A list of the currently defined e-mail activities displays.
  4. Click New.
    The E-mail Activity Properties window displays.
  5. Complete the page as required selecting the values appropriate for the e-mail activity you want to create.
    Name Type a name for the e-mail activity. This is displayed in the E-mail Activity list.
    Description Type a description for the e-mail activity.
    Campaign Select the campaign to which the activity belongs.
    Customer Segment Select a customer segment for sending the e-mail activity. This list is populated with the customer segments defined for the store. Click Summary to see the customer segment's definition.
    E-mail Template Select an e-mail template to send using the e-mail activity. This list is populated with the currently defined e-mail templates. Click Preview to preview the selected template, or New to open the e-mail template creation tool.
    Send Date Specify the date on which the e-mail activity should be sent.
    Reply-to e-mail address Specify the reply-to e-mail address for the activity.
  6. Click OK to save the e-mail activity. The e-mail activity is displayed in the E-mail Activity list.