Introduced in Feature Pack 1

Defining a new constant


Determine the object ID for the object you want to define.
  • Using Mozilla Firefox:
    1. Start Firefox and browse to the starter store that uses the object.
    2. When the store home page is loaded, click the Firebug icon in the lower right side of the Firefox window.
    3. In the Firefox console, ensure that the HTML tab is selected.
    4. Click Click an element in the page to inspect to enable the ability to lock on to an object.
    5. Click the object that you want to define to lock on to it.
    6. Select the HTML tab in the Firebug console. The HTML source code of the object is highlighted.
  • Using Microsoft® Internet Explorer:
    1. Start Internet Explorer and browse to the starter store that uses the object.
    2. Click Tools > Developer Tools.
    3. Select the HTML tab. The HTML source code of the object is highlighted.
    4. Click the Select Element by Click (the cursor icon) to enable the ability to lock on to an object.
    5. Click the object that you want to define to lock on to it.
