Feature Pack 7

Get shipping information for the shopping cart

The following example shows how to get shipping information for the shopping cart.


GET /wcs/resources/store/10101/cart/@self/shipping_info HTTP/1.1
Host: testserver.mycompany.com
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

	"orderId": "21504",
	"orderItem": [
			"addressId": "20903",
			"addressLine": [
				"111 main st.",
				"Suite 111",
			"carrier": "XYZ Carrier",
			"city": "RTP",
			"country": "United States",
			"description": "US - Regular Delivery",
			"email1": "u1@m.com",
			"email2": "abc@123.com",
			"fax1": "919111222",
			"fax2": "",
			"firstName": "John",
			"isExpedited": "false",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"middleName": "",
			"nickName": "jsmith2",
			"orderItemId": "130010",
			"personTitle": "Miss",
			"phone1": "919-111-1111",
			"phone1Publish": "true",
			"phone1Type": "",
			"phone2": "919-222-2222",
			"phone2Publish": "true",
			"phone2Type": "",
			"postalCode": "27560",
			"shipModeCode": "US Regular Delivery",
			"shipModeDescription": "US - Regular Delivery",
			"shipModeId": "10151",
			"stateOrProvinceName": "North Carolina"
			"addressId": "20903",
			"addressLine": [
				"111 main st.",
				"Suite 111",
			"carrier": "XYZ Carrier",
			"city": "RTP",
			"country": "United States",
			"description": "US - Regular Delivery",
			"email1": "u1@m.com",
			"email2": "abc@123.com",
			"fax1": "919111222",
			"fax2": "",
			"firstName": "John",
			"isExpedited": "false",
			"lastName": "Smith",
			"middleName": "",
			"nickName": "jsmith2",
			"orderItemId": "130011",
			"personTitle": "Miss",
			"phone1": "919-111-1111",
			"phone1Publish": "true",
			"phone1Type": "",
			"phone2": "919-222-2222",
			"phone2Publish": "true",
			"phone2Type": "",
			"postalCode": "27560",
			"shipModeCode": "US Regular Delivery",
			"shipModeDescription": "US - Regular Delivery",
			"shipModeId": "10151",
			"stateOrProvinceName": "North Carolina"
	"resourceId": "https:\/\/testserver.mycompany.com\/wcs\/resources\/store\/10101\/cart\/@self\/shipping_info",
	"resourceName": "cart",
	"shipAsComplete": "true"