
This class provides RESTful services to get person details, register a member, and update a member. This class also provides RESTful services used by an administrator to find person information, register new and update existing user information.

Handler Class:


Path Operation Description
/store/{storeId}/person GET

This allows an administrator to find users based on a query name. See each query for details on input and output.


Registers a new user. When mode is set to admin, the register is done by an administrator.

/store/{storeId}/person/@self GET

Gets the account data for a registered user.


Updates account data for a registered user. This also supports resetting password for unauthenticated and authenticated users. When action is set to 'updateUserRegistration', user account data is updated using UserRegistrationUpdateCmd

/store/{storeId}/person/@self/contextattributes/{jobNames}/{values} DELETE

Deletes one or more values of a context attribute for a registered user.

/store/{storeId}/person/@self/optOut GET

Find personal opt-out. When the store level personal opt-out does not exist, the site level personal opt-out is returned.

/store/{storeId}/person/updateMemberUser/{userId} POST

Updates user to be included/excluded from a member group or to be unassgined.

/store/{storeId}/person/{userId} GET

This allows an administrator to find user information by user identifier.


Performs an action on a person by an administrator. See each action for details on input and output.


This allows an administrator to update account data for a registered user.


This allows an administrator to find users based on a query name. See each query for details on input and output.

GET /store/{storeId}/person


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The query name.

query string , x ∈ { usersICanAdmin }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Registers a new user. When mode is set to admin, the register is done by an administrator.

POST /store/{storeId}/person

application/json application/xml


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The response format. If the request has an input body, that body must also use the format specified in "responseFormat". Valid values include "json" and "xml" without the quotes. If the responseFormat isn't specified, the "accept" HTTP header shall be used to determine the format of the response. If the "accept" HTTP header isn't specified as well, the default response format shall be in json.

query string , x ∈ { xml , json }

The mode of the rest service.

query string , x ∈ { self , admin }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

201 Created

The requested resource has been created.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Gets the account data for a registered user.

GET /store/{storeId}/person/@self


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The response format. If the request has an input body, that body must also use the format specified in "responseFormat". Valid values include "json" and "xml" without the quotes. If the responseFormat isn't specified, the "accept" HTTP header shall be used to determine the format of the response. If the "accept" HTTP header isn't specified as well, the default response format shall be in json.

query string , x ∈ { xml , json }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Updates account data for a registered user. This also supports resetting password for unauthenticated and authenticated users. When action is set to 'updateUserRegistration', user account data is updated using UserRegistrationUpdateCmd

PUT /store/{storeId}/person/@self

application/json application/xml


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The response format. If the request has an input body, that body must also use the format specified in "responseFormat". Valid values include "json" and "xml" without the quotes. If the responseFormat isn't specified, the "accept" HTTP header shall be used to determine the format of the response. If the "accept" HTTP header isn't specified as well, the default response format shall be in json.

query string , x ∈ { xml , json }

The action of the rest service.

query string , x ∈ { updateUserRegistration }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Deletes one or more values of a context attribute for a registered user.

DELETE /store/{storeId}/person/@self/contextattributes/{jobNames}/{values}


Name of the person's job function to use for the request.

path string

Value of the person's job function.

path string

The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The response format. If the request has an input body, that body must also use the format specified in "responseFormat". Valid values include "json" and "xml" without the quotes. If the responseFormat isn't specified, the "accept" HTTP header shall be used to determine the format of the response. If the "accept" HTTP header isn't specified as well, the default response format shall be in json.

query string , x ∈ { xml , json }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Find personal opt-out. When the store level personal opt-out does not exist, the site level personal opt-out is returned.

GET /store/{storeId}/person/@self/optOut


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

Profile name. Profiles determine the subset of data to be returned by a query. Default profile name = IBM_optOut_email

query string , x ∈ { IBM_optOut_email , IBM_optOut_sms , IBM_optOut_all }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Updates user to be included/excluded from a member group or to be unassgined.

POST /store/{storeId}/person/updateMemberUser/{userId}


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The user identifier.

path string

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

This allows an administrator to find user information by user identifier.

GET /store/{storeId}/person/{userId}


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The user identifier.

path string

Profile name. Profiles determine the subset of data to be returned by a query. Default profile name = IBM_User_Display_Details

query string , x ∈ { IBM_User_Display_Details , IBM_User_Registration_Details , IBM_User_Top_Level_Org_Administered , IBM_Assigned_Roles_Details , IBM_Roles_Of_User_All , IBM_Roles_Of_User_In_Orgs_I_Can_Admin }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Performs an action on a person by an administrator. See each action for details on input and output.

POST /store/{storeId}/person/{userId}

application/json application/xml


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The user identifier.

path string

The action of the rest service.

query string , x ∈ { assignRole , unassignRole }

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

201 Created

The requested resource has been created.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

This allows an administrator to update account data for a registered user.

PUT /store/{storeId}/person/{userId}

application/json application/xml


The store identifier.

path string , x ∈ { 715839284 , 0 , 715839134 , 715839184 , 715839234 , 715837884 , 715838634 , 715839334 , 715837934 , 715837984 , 715838034 , 715838534 , 715838584 , 715838035 , 715838036 }

The user identifier.

path string

application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/atom+xml

200 OK

The requested completed successfully.

400 Bad Request

Bad request. Some of the inputs provided to the request aren't valid.

401 Unauthorized

Not authenticated. The user session isn't valid.

403 Forbidden

The user isn't authorized to perform the specified request.

500 Internal Server Error

Internal server error. Additional details will be contained on the server logs.

Schema definitions object

userReceive: boolean
userReceiveSMS: boolean object

userReceive: boolean object

userReceiveSMS: boolean object

distinguishedName: string
uniqueID: string object

distinguishedName: string
uniqueID: string object

identifier: string object

currency: string
value: integer (int32)$DeleteContextAttribute: object

Delete context attribute response.

addressId: string[]

The address identifier list.

userId: string[]

The user identifier list.

string$MemberRoleAssignRequest: object

Request of MemberRoleAssignCmd.

URL: string

The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.

orgEntityIdi: string[]

The organization entity identifier.

roleIdi: string[]

The role identifier. The roleId parameter takes the forms like roleId, roleId1, roleId2..., the corresponding orgEntityId should be orgEntityId, orgEntiyId1, orgEntityId2...

string$MemberRoleUnassignRequest: object

Request of MemberRoleUnassignCmd.

URL: string

The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.

orgEntityIdi: string[]

The organization entity identifier.

roleIdi: string[]

The role identifier. The roleId parameter takes the forms like roleId, roleId1, roleId2..., the corresponding orgEntityId should be orgEntityId, orgEntiyId1, orgEntityId2...

string$UpdateMemberUser: object

Body of MemberGroupMemberUpdateCmd.

addAsExplicitExclusionToMemberGroupId: string

MemberGroup Identifiers to explicitly exclude the user from

addAsExplicitInclusionToMemberGroupId: string

MemberGroup Identifiers to explicitly add the user too .

removeFromMemberGroupId: string

MemberGroup Identifiers to remove the user from$UpdateMemberUserResponse: object

response of MemberGroupMemberUpdateCmd.

URL: string

The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.

addAsExplicitExclusionToMemberGroupId: string

MemberGroup Identifiers to explicitly exclude the user from

addAsExplicitInclusionToMemberGroupId: string

MemberGroup Identifiers to explicitly add the user too .

catalogId: string

The catalog identifier

removeFromMemberGroupId: string

MemberGroup Identifiers to remove the user from

requesttype: string

The request type ie (ajax)

storeId: string

The current store identifier

userId: string

The user identifier$UserIdentifier: object

User identitifier.

userId: string

The user identifier.$UserIdentity: object

Information about a guest user identity.

WCToken: string

The token used for authentication.

WCTrustedToken: string

The trusted token used for authentication. This token should only be used on encrypted channels.

personalizationID: string

The personalization identifier for the current session.

userId: string

The user unique identifier.$UserRegistrationAdminAddRequest: object

Request of UserRegistrationAdminAdd.

URL: string

The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.

address1: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

address2: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

address3: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

addressField1: string

Customizable field.

addressField2: string

Customizable field.

addressField3: string

Customizable field.

addressType: string

The purpose of the address. Valid values are: S - shipto, B - billto, SB - shipto and billto (The default value.).

age: string

The registrant's age.

alternateId: string

A special ID assigned by the registrant's business organization or organizational unit to this particular registrant..

bestCallingTime: string

D - An indicator that daytime is the best time to call the registrant; E - An indicator that evening is the best time to call the registrant.

billingCode: string

The registrant's organization's code to identify the shipping or billing addresses and cost center.

billingCodeType: string

Code designating the method of code structure used for the billing code. The default value is D, assigned by buyer.

challengeAnswer: string

Answer to the challenge question.

challengeQuestion: string

Challenge question for verbal confirmation of the customer's identity.

children: string

The number of children the registrant has.

city: string

The name of the city where the registrant resides.

companyName: string

The company name of the organization that the registrant represents, obtained when filling in demographic information.

country: string

The name of the country or region where the registrant resides.

customMemberAttributes: string[]

You can manage custom member attributes (MBRATTRVAL table) for this user using the following syntax: &attributeName_storeId_action_number=value.

dateOfBirth: string

Date of birth. The format is yyyy-mm-dd, for example: 1980-01-01.

demographicField1: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField2: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField3: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField4: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField5: string

Customizable field for demographic information; a field of 254 characters.

demographicField6: string

Customizable field for demographic information; an integer field.

demographicField7: string

Customizable field for demographic information; a field varchar, length 6.

departmentNumber: string

The department identifier for the registrant.

description: string

A description of the registrant.

email1: string

The registrant's primary e-mail or Web address.

email2: string

The registrant's secondary e-mail or Web address.

employeeId: string

The registrant's ID with his or her employer.

employeeType: string

The registrant's status as an employee (for example, regular, permanent, contractor, or part time).

fax1: string

The registrant's primary facsimile number.

fax2: string

The registrant's secondary facsimile number.

firstName: string

The first name of the registrant.

gender: string

The registrant's gender.

hobbies: string

The registrant's hobbies.

household: string

The number of people in the registrant's household; the default is 1.

income: string

The registrant's annual incom.

incomeCurrency: string

The currency in which the registrant's income is paid.

lastName: string

Required if the authentication mode is LDAP: The last name of the registrant. If the authentication mode is LDAP, this parameter is mandatory.

logonId: string

The registrant's logon ID. If you are using LDAP, changing a user's logonID is not supported because it would require deleting and recreating the user in LDAP. This process would cause all non-WebSphere Commerce user attributes, such as the password, to be lost. If you are not using LDAP, changing the user's logon ID is not recommended, because the promotion subsystem stores the logon ID of the creator of the promotion in the XMLPARAM column of the PX_PROMOTION table. Note: When the UserRegistrationUpdate command is used to change the logonID, the command will automatically update the USERS.DN database column. Do not assume that ADDRESS.NICKNAME will also change. Instead, the following finder should be used to get the single self address of a user: AddressAccessBean.findSelfAddressByMember(Long memberID).

logonPassword: string

The registrant's password. In database mode, the password is encrypted before it is saved in the database. In LDAP mode, the password is only stored on the LDAP server.

logonPasswordVerify: string

Required if the logonPassword is used: The registrant's password, entered a second time.

manager: string

The name of the registrant's manager.

maritalStatus: string

The registrant's marital statu.

marketingTrackingConsent: string

The marketing tracking consent. 0 means opt-out, 1 means opt-in.

middleName: string

The middle name of the registrant.

mobilePhone1: string

The registrant's mobile phone number used for SMS, for example, 4161235555.

mobilePhone1Country: string

The country code used for the registrant's mobile phone number, for example, CA for Canada.

officeAddress: string

The internal address (for example, mail stop).

orderBefore: string

Whether the registrant has previously placed an order. This value is supplied by the registrant.

organizationId: string

The identifier of the registrant's company.

organizationName: string

The name of the organization that the registrant represents.

organizationUnitId: string

The identifier of the registrant's organizational unit.

organizationUnitName: string

The name of the unit within the organization that the registrant represents.

packageSuppression: string

1 - An indicator to include package inserts when the order is shipped; 0 - An indicator to not include package inserts when the order is shipped. There is no default for this field. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database

parentMemberId: string

The parent member identifier of the user.

personTitle: string

The title of the user whose address is being entered (for example, Dr., Rev., Mr. or Ms.).

phone1: string

The registrant's primary phone number.

phone1Type: string

The type of phone used for the registrant's primary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.

phone2: string

The registrant's secondary phone number.

phone2Type: string

The type of phone used for the registrant's secondary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.

photo: string

URL or path to a photo of the registrant.

preferredCommunication: string[]

The preferred phone for the registrant (stored in the ADDRESS table), for example: P1=phone 1 P2=phone 2.

preferredCurrency: string

The registrant's preferred currency for transactions.

preferredDelivery: string

The registrant's preferred mode of delivery.

preferredLanguage: string

The registrant's preferred language.

preferredMeasure: string

The registrant's preferred unit of measure.

privacyNoticeVersion: string

The version of the privacy notice. For example '1.0'.

profileType: string

The profile type of the user.

publishPhone1: string

1 - An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is listed; 0 - An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is unlisted. There is no default for these publishPhone fields. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database.

publishPhone2: string

1 - An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is listed; 0 - An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is unlisted.

receiveEmail: string

Determines whether the registrant wants to receive marketing e-mail activities for the current store (or all stores if no stores have been visited during the session): true - The user wants to receive marketing e-mail activities; false - The user does not want to receive e-mail activities (the default).

receiveSMS: string

Specifies whether the registrant wants to receive marketing SMS messages for the current store (or all stores if no stores have been visited during the session). Valid values are true or false (default).

receiveSMSNotification: string

Indicates whether the user wants to receive order notification SMS text messages. Valid values are true or false (default).

secretary: string

The name of the registrant's secretary.

shippingGeoCode: string

A shipping code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.

state: string

The name of the state, province, or equivalent where the registrant resides.

taxGeoCode: string

A tax code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.

taxPayerId: string

A string used to identify the user for taxation, especially useful with tax software.

timeZone: string

The time zone in which the registrant does business (report as GMT +/- hours).

userField1: string

Customizable field.

userField2: string

Customizable field.

userField3: string

Customizable field.

userProfileField1: string

Customizable field.

userProfileField2: string

Customizable field.

zipCode: string

The ZIP or postal code of the registrant's address.$UserRegistrationAdminAddResponse: object

Response of UserRegistrationAdminAddCmd.

addressId: string

The address identifier of the user.

logonId: string

The logon ID of the user.

userId: string

The user unique identifier.$UserRegistrationAdminUpdateRequest: object

Request of UserRegistrationAdminUpdateCmd.

URL: string

The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.

address1: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

address2: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

address3: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

addressField1: string

Customizable field.

addressField2: string

Customizable field.

addressField3: string

Customizable field.

addressType: string

The purpose of the address. Valid values are: S - shipto, B - billto, SB - shipto and billto (The default value.).

age: string

The registrant's age.

alternateId: string

A special ID assigned by the registrant's business organization or organizational unit to this particular registrant..

bestCallingTime: string

D - An indicator that daytime is the best time to call the registrant; E - An indicator that evening is the best time to call the registrant.

billingCode: string

The registrant's organization's code to identify the shipping or billing addresses and cost center.

billingCodeType: string

Code designating the method of code structure used for the billing code. The default value is D, assigned by buyer.

challengeAnswer: string

Answer to the challenge question.

challengeQuestion: string

Challenge question for verbal confirmation of the customer's identity.

children: string

The number of children the registrant has.

city: string

The name of the city where the registrant resides.

companyName: string

The company name of the organization that the registrant represents, obtained when filling in demographic information.

country: string

The name of the country or region where the registrant resides.

customMemberAttributes: string[]

You can manage custom member attributes (MBRATTRVAL table) for this user using the following syntax: &attributeName_storeId_action_number=value.

dateOfBirth: string

Date of birth. The format is yyyy-mm-dd, for example: 1980-01-01.

demographicField1: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField2: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField3: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField4: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField5: string

Customizable field for demographic information; a field of 254 characters.

demographicField6: string

Customizable field for demographic information; an integer field.

demographicField7: string

Customizable field for demographic information; a field varchar, length 6.

departmentNumber: string

The department identifier for the registrant.

description: string

A description of the registrant.

email1: string

The registrant's primary e-mail or Web address.

email2: string

The registrant's secondary e-mail or Web address.

employeeId: string

The registrant's ID with his or her employer.

employeeType: string

The registrant's status as an employee (for example, regular, permanent, contractor, or part time).

fax1: string

The registrant's primary facsimile number.

fax2: string

The registrant's secondary facsimile number.

firstName: string

The first name of the registrant.

gender: string

The registrant's gender.

hobbies: string

The registrant's hobbies.

household: string

The number of people in the registrant's household; the default is 1.

income: string

The registrant's annual incom.

incomeCurrency: string

The currency in which the registrant's income is paid.

lastName: string

Required if the authentication mode is LDAP: The last name of the registrant. If the authentication mode is LDAP, this parameter is mandatory.

logonId: string

The registrant's logon ID. If you are using LDAP, changing a user's logonID is not supported because it would require deleting and recreating the user in LDAP. This process would cause all non-WebSphere Commerce user attributes, such as the password, to be lost. If you are not using LDAP, changing the user's logon ID is not recommended, because the promotion subsystem stores the logon ID of the creator of the promotion in the XMLPARAM column of the PX_PROMOTION table. Note: When the UserRegistrationUpdate command is used to change the logonID, the command will automatically update the USERS.DN database column. Do not assume that ADDRESS.NICKNAME will also change. Instead, the following finder should be used to get the single self address of a user: AddressAccessBean.findSelfAddressByMember(Long memberID).

logonPassword: string

The registrant's password. In database mode, the password is encrypted before it is saved in the database. In LDAP mode, the password is only stored on the LDAP server.

logonPasswordVerify: string

Required if the logonPassword is used: The registrant's password, entered a second time.

manager: string

The name of the registrant's manager.

maritalStatus: string

The registrant's marital statu.

marketingTrackingConsent: string

The marketing tracking consent. 0 means opt-out, 1 means opt-in.

middleName: string

The middle name of the registrant.

mobilePhone1: string

The registrant's mobile phone number used for SMS, for example, 4161235555.

mobilePhone1Country: string

The country code used for the registrant's mobile phone number, for example, CA for Canada.

officeAddress: string

The internal address (for example, mail stop).

orderBefore: string

Whether the registrant has previously placed an order. This value is supplied by the registrant.

organizationId: string

The identifier of the registrant's company.

organizationName: string

The name of the organization that the registrant represents.

organizationUnitId: string

The identifier of the registrant's organizational unit.

organizationUnitName: string

The name of the unit within the organization that the registrant represents.

packageSuppression: string

1 - An indicator to include package inserts when the order is shipped; 0 - An indicator to not include package inserts when the order is shipped. There is no default for this field. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database

personTitle: string

The title of the user whose address is being entered (for example, Dr., Rev., Mr. or Ms.).

phone1: string

The registrant's primary phone number.

phone1Type: string

The type of phone used for the registrant's primary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.

phone2: string

The registrant's secondary phone number.

phone2Type: string

The type of phone used for the registrant's secondary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.

photo: string

URL or path to a photo of the registrant.

preferredCommunication: string[]

The preferred phone for the registrant (stored in the ADDRESS table), for example: P1=phone 1 P2=phone 2.

preferredCurrency: string

The registrant's preferred currency for transactions.

preferredDelivery: string

The registrant's preferred mode of delivery.

preferredLanguage: string

The registrant's preferred language.

preferredMeasure: string

The registrant's preferred unit of measure.

privacyNoticeVersion: string

The version of the privacy notice. For example '1.0'.

publishPhone1: string

1 - An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is listed; 0 - An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is unlisted. There is no default for these publishPhone fields. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database.

publishPhone2: string

1 - An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is listed; 0 - An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is unlisted.

receiveEmail: string

Determines whether the registrant wants to receive marketing e-mail activities for the current store (or all stores if no stores have been visited during the session): true - The user wants to receive marketing e-mail activities; false - The user does not want to receive e-mail activities (the default).

receiveSMS: string

Specifies whether the registrant wants to receive marketing SMS messages for the current store (or all stores if no stores have been visited during the session). Valid values are true or false (default).

receiveSMSNotification: string

Indicates whether the user wants to receive order notification SMS text messages. Valid values are true or false (default).

secretary: string

The name of the registrant's secretary.

shippingGeoCode: string

A shipping code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.

state: string

The name of the state, province, or equivalent where the registrant resides.

taxGeoCode: string

A tax code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.

taxPayerId: string

A string used to identify the user for taxation, especially useful with tax software.

timeZone: string

The time zone in which the registrant does business (report as GMT +/- hours).

userField1: string

Customizable field.

userField2: string

Customizable field.

userField3: string

Customizable field.

userId: string

The user the administrator will update.

userProfileField1: string

Customizable field.

userProfileField2: string

Customizable field.

zipCode: string

The ZIP or postal code of the registrant's address.$UserRegistrationUpdateRequest: object

Request of UserRegistrationUpdateCmd.

URL: string

The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.

address1: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

address2: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

address3: string

The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.

addressField1: string

Customizable field.

addressField2: string

Customizable field.

addressField3: string

Customizable field.

addressType: string

The purpose of the address. Valid values are: S - shipto, B - billto, SB - shipto and billto (The default value.).

age: string

The registrant's age.

alternateId: string

A special ID assigned by the registrant's business organization or organizational unit to this particular registrant..

bestCallingTime: string

D - An indicator that daytime is the best time to call the registrant; E - An indicator that evening is the best time to call the registrant.

billingCode: string

The registrant's organization's code to identify the shipping or billing addresses and cost center.

billingCodeType: string

Code designating the method of code structure used for the billing code. The default value is D, assigned by buyer.

challengeAnswer: string

Answer to the challenge question.

challengeQuestion: string

Challenge question for verbal confirmation of the customer's identity.

children: string

The number of children the registrant has.

city: string

The name of the city where the registrant resides.

companyName: string

The company name of the organization that the registrant represents, obtained when filling in demographic information.

country: string

The name of the country or region where the registrant resides.

customMemberAttributes: string[]

You can manage custom member attributes (MBRATTRVAL table) for this user using the following syntax: &attributeName_storeId_action_number=value.

dateOfBirth: string

Date of birth. The format is yyyy-mm-dd, for example: 1980-01-01.

demographicField1: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField2: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField3: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField4: string

Customizable field for demographic information; this is single-character field.

demographicField5: string

Customizable field for demographic information; a field of 254 characters.

demographicField6: string

Customizable field for demographic information; an integer field.

demographicField7: string

Customizable field for demographic information; a field varchar, length 6.

departmentNumber: string

The department identifier for the registrant.

description: string

A description of the registrant.

email1: string

The registrant's primary e-mail or Web address.

email2: string

The registrant's secondary e-mail or Web address.

employeeId: string

The registrant's ID with his or her employer.

employeeType: string

The registrant's status as an employee (for example, regular, permanent, contractor, or part time).

fax1: string

The registrant's primary facsimile number.

fax2: string

The registrant's secondary facsimile number.

firstName: string

The first name of the registrant.

gender: string

The registrant's gender.

hobbies: string

The registrant's hobbies.

household: string

The number of people in the registrant's household; the default is 1.

income: string

The registrant's annual incom.

incomeCurrency: string

The currency in which the registrant's income is paid.

lastName: string

Required if the authentication mode is LDAP: The last name of the registrant. If the authentication mode is LDAP, this parameter is mandatory.

logonId: string

The registrant's logon ID. If you are using LDAP, changing a user's logonID is not supported because it would require deleting and recreating the user in LDAP. This process would cause all non-WebSphere Commerce user attributes, such as the password, to be lost. If you are not using LDAP, changing the user's logon ID is not recommended, because the promotion subsystem stores the logon ID of the creator of the promotion in the XMLPARAM column of the PX_PROMOTION table. Note: When the UserRegistrationUpdate command is used to change the logonID, the command will automatically update the USERS.DN database column. Do not assume that ADDRESS.NICKNAME will also change. Instead, the following finder should be used to get the single self address of a user: AddressAccessBean.findSelfAddressByMember(Long memberID).

logonPassword: string

The registrant's password. In database mode, the password is encrypted before it is saved in the database. In LDAP mode, the password is only stored on the LDAP server.

logonPasswordVerify: string

Required if the logonPassword is used: The registrant's password, entered a second time.

manager: string

The name of the registrant's manager.

maritalStatus: string

The registrant's marital statu.

marketingTrackingConsent: string

The marketing tracking consent. 0 means opt-out, 1 means opt-in.

middleName: string

The middle name of the registrant.

mobilePhone1: string

The registrant's mobile phone number used for SMS, for example, 4161235555.

mobilePhone1Country: string

The country code used for the registrant's mobile phone number, for example, CA for Canada.

officeAddress: string

The internal address (for example, mail stop).

orderBefore: string

Whether the registrant has previously placed an order. This value is supplied by the registrant.

organizationId: string

The identifier of the registrant's company.

organizationName: string

The name of the organization that the registrant represents.

organizationUnitId: string

The identifier of the registrant's organizational unit.

organizationUnitName: string

The name of the unit within the organization that the registrant represents.

packageSuppression: string

1 - An indicator to include package inserts when the order is shipped; 0 - An indicator to not include package inserts when the order is shipped. There is no default for this field. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database

personTitle: string

The title of the user whose address is being entered (for example, Dr., Rev., Mr. or Ms.).

phone1: string

The registrant's primary phone number.

phone1Type: string

The type of phone used for the registrant's primary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.

phone2: string

The registrant's secondary phone number.

phone2Type: string

The type of phone used for the registrant's secondary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.

photo: string

URL or path to a photo of the registrant.

preferredCommunication: string[]

The preferred phone for the registrant (stored in the ADDRESS table), for example: P1=phone 1 P2=phone 2.

preferredCurrency: string

The registrant's preferred currency for transactions.

preferredDelivery: string

The registrant's preferred mode of delivery.

preferredLanguage: string

The registrant's preferred language.

preferredMeasure: string

The registrant's preferred unit of measure.

privacyNoticeVersion: string

The version of the privacy notice. For example '1.0'.

publishPhone1: string

1 - An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is listed; 0 - An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is unlisted. There is no default for these publishPhone fields. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database.

publishPhone2: string

1 - An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is listed; 0 - An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is unlisted.

receiveEmail: string

Determines whether the registrant wants to receive marketing e-mail activities for the current store (or all stores if no stores have been visited during the session): true - The user wants to receive marketing e-mail activities; false - The user does not want to receive e-mail activities (the default).

receiveSMS: string

Specifies whether the registrant wants to receive marketing SMS messages for the current store (or all stores if no stores have been visited during the session). Valid values are true or false (default).

receiveSMSNotification: string

Indicates whether the user wants to receive order notification SMS text messages. Valid values are true or false (default).

secretary: string

The name of the registrant's secretary.

shippingGeoCode: string

A shipping code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.

state: string

The name of the state, province, or equivalent where the registrant resides.

taxGeoCode: string

A tax code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.

taxPayerId: string

A string used to identify the user for taxation, especially useful with tax software.

timeZone: string

The time zone in which the registrant does business (report as GMT +/- hours).

userField1: string

Customizable field.

userField2: string

Customizable field.

userField3: string

Customizable field.

userProfileField1: string

Customizable field.

userProfileField2: string

Customizable field.

zipCode: string

The ZIP or postal code of the registrant's address. object object object object object

departmentNumber: string
dn: string
email1: string
email2: string
employeeId: string
employeeType: string
fax1: string
fax2: string
lastSession: string
logonId: string
logonPassword: string
logonPasswordVerify: string
manager: string
mobilePhone1: string
mobilePhone1Country: string
parentMemberId: string
parentOrgName: string
phone1: string
phone2: string
registration: string
registrationUpdate: string
secretary: string
userId: string object object

description: string
displayName: string
name: string
roleId: string object

logonId: string
organizationId: string
organizationName: string
parentMemberId: string
personTitle: string
preferredCurrency: string
preferredLanguage: string
registerType: string
userId: string
userProfile: object

address1: string
address2: string
address3: string
addressId: string
addressType: string
city: string
country: string
email1: string
email2: string
fax1: string
fax2: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
memberId: string
middleName: string
mobilePhone1: string
mobilePhone1Country: string
nickName: string
phone1: string
phone2: string
state: string
zipCode: string object

age: string
dateOfBirth: string
gender: string object

description: string
displayName: string
receiveSMSNotification: string object

logonId: string
personTitle: string
registerType: string
userId: string object

address1: string
address2: string
address3: string
addressId: string
addressType: string
city: string
country: string
email1: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
memberId: string
middleName: string
mobilePhone1: string
nickName: string
phone1: string
state: string
zipCode: string object

logonId: string
registerType: string
userId: string object object

pageNumber: integer (int32)
pageSize: string
recordSetCompleteIndicator: boolean
recordSetCount: integer (int32)
recordSetTotal: integer (int32)
userDataBeans: object[] object

displayName: string
distinguishedName: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
logonId: string
memberId: string
parentMemberId: string
personalizationId: string
preferredCurrency: string
preferredLanguageId: string
profileType: string
registerType: string
roles: integer[]
integer (int32)
state: string
userId: string
userRegistry: object

departmentNumber: string
employeeId: string
employeeType: string
organizationId: string
organizationUnitId: string
requistionerId: string object

age: string
companyName: string
dateOfBirth: string
gender: string
hobbies: string
income: string
incomeCurrency: string
maritalStatus: string
numberOfChildren: string
numberOfHouseholds: string
orderBefore: string
timezone: string object

description: string
displayName: string
preferredCommunication: string
preferredDelivery: string
preferredMeasure: string
receiveSMSNotification: string
taxPayerId: string object

logonId: string
status: string object

pageNumber: integer (int32)
pageSize: string
recordSetCompleteIndicator: boolean
recordSetCount: integer (int32)
recordSetTotal: integer (int32)
userDataBeans: object[] object

displayName: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
logonId: string
memberId: string
personalizationId: string
preferredCurrency: string
preferredLanguageId: string
state: string
userId: string
userProfile: object

employeeId: string
organizationId: string object

age: string
dateOfBirth: string
gender: string object

description: string
displayName: string
preferredCommunication: string
preferredDelivery: string
preferredMeasure: string
receiveSMSNotification: string object object

Empty: object

Empty model. Used as default value when no model is specified.

java.util.Map$Entry: object

key: string
value: string

person-person: object

accountStatus: string , x ∈ { Enabled , Disabled }
addressId: string
addressLine: string[]
addressType: string
attributes: object[]
bestCallingTime: string
businessTitle: string
challengeQuestion: string
city: string
companyName: string
contact: object[]
contextAttribute: object[]
country: string
dateOfBirth: string
departmentNumber: string
description: string
displayName: string
distinguishedName: string
email1: string
email2: string
employeeID: string
employeeType: string
fax1: string
fax2: string
firstName: string
gender: string , x ∈ { Male , Female , Unspecified }
geographicalShippingCode: string
geographicalTaxCode: string
hobbies: string
householdSize: string (int32)
internalOfficeAddress: string
language: string
lastName: string
lastUpdate: string
logonId: string
manager: string
maritalStatus: string
middleName: string
mobilePhone1: string
mobilePhone1Country: string
nickName: string
numberOfChildren: string (int32)
organizationDistinguishedName: string
organizationName: string
organizationUnitName: string
orgizationId: string
passwordExpired: string
personTitle: string
phone1: string
phone1Publish: string
phone1Type: string
phone2: string
phone2Publish: string
phone2Type: string
photoURI: string
preferredCommunication: string
preferredCurrency: string
preferredDelivery: string
preferredLanguage: string
primary: string
profileType: string , x ∈ { Consumer , Business }
receiveEmailPreference: object[]
receiveSMSNotification: string
receiveSMSPreference: object[]
registrationApprovalStatus: string
registrationDateTime: string
registrationStatus: string , x ∈ { Guest , RegisteredPerson }
secretary: string
state: string
userDataField: object[]
userId: string
zipCode: string

person-person.attributes: object

bProfileAttrKey: string
bProfileAttrValue: string
contactInfoAttrKey: string
contactInfoAttrValue: string
pProfileAttrKey: string
pProfileAttrValue: string object

addressId: string
addressLine: string[]
addressType: string
attributes: object[]
bestCallingTime: string
businessTitle: string
city: string
country: string
email1: string
email2: string
fax1: string
fax2: string
firstName: string
geographicalShippingCode: string
geographicalTaxCode: string
internalOfficeAddress: string
language: string
lastName: string
middleName: string
mobilePhone1: string
mobilePhone1Country: string
nickName: string
organizationName: string
organizationUnitName: string
personTitle: string
phone1: string
phone1Publish: string
phone1Type: string
phone2: string
phone2Publish: string
phone2Type: string
primary: string
state: string
userDataField: object[]
zipCode: string object

key: string
value: string

person-person.contextAttribute: object

attributeName: string
attributeValue: object[]

person-person.contextAttribute.attributeValue: object

storeId: string
value: string[]

person-person.receiveEmailPreference: object

storeID: string
value: string

person-person.receiveSMSPreference: object

storeID: string
value: string

person-person.userDataField: object

key: string
value: string