Product Compare

Customers can use the Product Compare page to compare up to four products at the same time. The products are displayed side-by-side with their pictures, name, price, brand, and features in an organized table. The product compare enables customers to easily compare products without navigating to each product page and manually comparing the features of each product. Products can be added to the shopping cart by clicking the Add to Cart button below each product, and can be added to the shopping cart without leaving the product compare page. Additional product details are displayed when viewing the quick info popup, where adding a product to the wish list is also available.

Elements of the Product Compare page

Product Compare screen capture
Full size screen capture

JSP files

  • CompareProductsDisplay.jsp represents the entire page.

e-Marketing Spots

  • There are no e-Marketing Spots on the Product Compare page.

Store functions

  • AJAX shopping cart can be enabled or disabled.