This table manages the session of various pervasive computing devices.

Column Descriptions:

PVCSESSION_IDBIGINT NOT NULLReference number of this record.
TERMINALVARCHAR (254) NOT NULLThe terminal identifier related to this session. CONSTRAINT unique_session_devic UNIQUE(SESSION_TYPE, TERMINAL).
REGISTER_IDBIGINTReference number of a customer who is logging in. Or reference number of a customer who was previously logged in. This column is NULL if the pervasive computing customer has not registered by way of a registration command.
LASTVISITEDTIMESTAMP NOT NULLLast visited time. Will be updated on command execution while status is 1.
STATUSINTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0Status of the customer whose reference number is same as SHOPPER_ID. Valid values are as follows:
  • 0=logout
  • 1=login
GUEST_IDBIGINTReference number of a guest customer. When the status value is 1, this column is set to NULL.
SESSIONTYPEVARCHAR (32) NOT NULLThis column identifies the type of pervasive computing device: either iMode or WAP.
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINTThe optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.


NameColumn NamesType
I0000708REGISTER_IDNon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType

Referenced By Child Tables:

ConstraintColumnsChild TableChild ColumnsType