This table is used to store information about catalog entry description override. When a field of a record in this table contains the null value, this means that there is no override for this field and the product displayed on the store front should use the field from the asset store.

Column Descriptions:

CATENTDESCOVR_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe internal reference number of the catalog entry description override.
CATENTRY_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe internal reference number that indicates to which catalog entry this override information relates.
LANGUAGE_IDINTEGER NOT NULLThe identifier of the language. For a list of language components, see the LANGUAGE table.
CATOVRGRP_IDBIGINT NOT NULLThe internal reference number of the catalog override group this description belongs.
NAMECHAR (128)The language-dependent override name of this catalog entry.
SHORTDESCRIPTIONVARCHAR (254)The short description override of this catalog entry.
LONGDESCRIPTIONCLOB (1000000)The long description override of this catalog entry.
THUMBNAILVARCHAR (254)The thumbnail image path override of this catalog entry.
AUXDESCRIPTION1VARCHAR (4000)Additional description override for this catalog entry.
FULLIMAGEVARCHAR (254)The full image path override of this catalog entry.
AUXDESCRIPTION2VARCHAR (4000)Additional description override for this catalog entry.
PUBLISHEDINTEGERThe PUBLISHED flag override used for the catalog entry. Indicates whether this catalog entry should be displayed for the language indicated by LANGUAGE_ID: 0= catalog entry should not be displayed, 1= catalog entry should be displayed.
KEYWORDVARCHAR (254)A keyword override used for searching.
FIELD1INTEGERCustomizable field
FIELD2VARCHAR (254)Customizable field
FIELD3VARCHAR (254)Customizable field
OPTCOUNTERSMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0The optimistic concurrency control counter for the table. Every time there is an update to the table, the counter is incremented.
UP_NAMEVARCHAR (128)The equivalent value of the NAME column in upper case characters. This column is used only for DB2 (LUW) database-types to enhance performance of text-based searches issued from Management Center.


NameColumn NamesType
I0001447LANGUAGE_IDNon-Unique Index
I0001448CATOVRGRP_IDNon-Unique Index
IPF00031UP_NAMENon-Unique Index

Constrained By Parent Tables:

ConstraintColumnsParent TableParent ColumnsType