WebSphere Commerce - ExpressWebSphere Commerce Developer

Installing WebSphere Application Server Communications Enabled Application (CEA)

To enable coshopping, install and configure the Communications Enabled Application Feature Pack.

Important: When setting up your coshopping configuration, you must manually merge the Web server plugin files (plugin-cfg.xml) for the WebSphere Commerce profile and the CEA profile. Each time WAS regenerates the Web server plugin file, the manual merge is overridden and the CEA server stops working. For example, WAS regenerates the Web server plugin file when you install an interim fix (iFix). To get the CEA server working again, you must redo the manual merge.

Before you begin


  1. Install WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for CEA Fix Pack with iFix to update CEA dojo on the WebSphere Commerce Server.
  2. Augment the WebSphere Application Server profile.
    1. Open a command line.
    2. Go to the bin directory:
      • WebSphere Commerce - ExpressLinuxAIXWindowsGo to the WAS_installdir/bin directory.
      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperGo to the RAD_installdir\runtimes\base_v7\bin directory.
    3. Determine your profileName. To find a list of possible profileName options, run:
      • LinuxAIXmanageProfiles.sh -listProfiles
      • Windowsmanageprofiles.bat -listProfiles
      This command returns a list of the profileName options that can be augmented. select the WebSphere Application profile.
    4. Run the manageprofiles command:
      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWindowsmanageprofiles.bat -augment -profileName profileName -templatePath ..\profileTemplates\CEA\default.ceafep
      • LinuxAIXmanageprofiles.sh -augment -profileName profileName -templatePath ../profileTemplates/CEA/default.ceafep
  3. WebSphere Commerce Developer Configure the WebSphere Commerce test server:
    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
    2. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Server > server1 > Communications Enabled Applications (CEA)
    3. Select Enable communications service.
    4. Change Virtual Host to WC_default_host, Click OK, and save the configuration.
    5. Click Environment > Virtual hosts > WC_default_host > Host Alias. Add the port for the SIP_DEFAULTHOST to the Virtual host. Ensure that a fully qualified domain name is used. You can check what the ports are for the SIP_DEFAULTHOST by selecting Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Server > server_name > Ports.
  4. LinuxAIXWindows Configure the WebSphere Application Server:
    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
    2. Click Servers > Server Type > WebSphere Application Servers > server1 > Communications Enabled Applications (CEA).
    3. Select Enable communications service.
    4. Change Virtual Host to VH_demo. Click Ok.
    5. Click Environment > Virtual hosts > VH_demo > Host Alias. Add the port for the SIP_DEFAULT to the Virtual host. Ensure that a fully qualified domain name is used. You can check what the ports are for the SIP_DEFAULTHOST by selecting Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application Server > server_name > Ports.
    6. Click Servers > Server Types > Web Servers > webserver1.
    7. Go to WAS_installdir/profiles/instance_name/config/cells/WC_instance_name_cell/nodes/WC_instance_name_node/servers/webserver1/.
    8. Copy the plugin-cfg.xml file. After you generate the plug-in using the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console, you must copy the file differences back to the generated plugin-cfg.xml file.
    9. Click generate plugin.
  5. LinuxAIXWindows Configure the web server.
    IBM HTTP Server
    1. Open the WAS_installdir/profiles/instance_name/config/cells/WC_instance_name_cell/nodes/WC_instance_name_node/servers/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml file.
    2. Find the string:
      <UriGroup Name="VH_instance_name_server1_WC_instance_name_node_Cluster_URIs">
    3. Add <UriAffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/commsvc.rest/*"/> For example, assuming the instance name is demo:
      <UriGroup Name="VH_demo_server1_WC_demo_node_Cluster_URIs">
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/InitializationServlet/*"/>
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/webapp/wcs/stores/*"/>
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/commsvc.rest/*"/>
    4. Restart the IBM HTTP Server.
    IIS Web Server
    1. Open the WAS_installdir/profiles/instance_name/config/cells/WC_instance_name_cell/nodes/WC_instance_name_node/servers/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml file.
    2. Find the string <UriGroup Name="VH_instance_name_server1_WC_instance_name_node_Cluster_URIs".
    3. Add <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/commsvc.rest/*"/>
      For example, assuming the instance name is demo:
      <UriGroup Name="VH_demo_server1_WC_demo_node_Cluster_URIs">
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/InitializationServlet/*"/>
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/webapp/wcs/stores/*"/>
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/commsvc.rest/*"/>
    4. WindowsEdit the plug-in-cfg.loc file.
      1. Open the drive:/WebSphere/Plugins/bin/IIS_webserver1/plugin-cfg.loc file.
      2. Replace the line
    5. Restart the IIS web server.
    SunOne Web Server
    1. Open the WAS_installdir/profiles/instance_name/config/cells/WC_instance_name_cell/nodes/WC_instance_name_node/servers/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml file.
    2. Find the string:
      <UriGroup Name="VH_instance_name_server1_WC_instance_name_node_Cluster_URIs">
    3. Add <UriAffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/commsvc.rest/*"/> For example, assuming the instance name is demo:
      <UriGroup Name="VH_demo_server1_WC_demo_node_Cluster_URIs">
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/InitializationServlet/*"/>
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/webapp/wcs/stores/*"/>
      <URi AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid" Name="/commsvc.rest/*"/>
    4. Add write/delete permission to the access control file for DELETE and PUT requests. When installing CEA and coshopping on a SunOne web server, a shopper can be required to enter a username and password when creating or ending a coshopping session. SunOne web servers do not allow DELETE/PUT requests by default, which coshopping uses when creating or ending a session. Refer to the SunOne documentation for instructions for adding write/delete permission.
    5. Restart the SunOne web Server.
  6. Integrate the CEA dojo library with the WebSphere Commerce EAR file. LinuxAIXWindows
    1. Go to WC_installdir/bin directory.
    2. Run the following script:
      • Windowsconfig_ant.bat -DinstanceName=commerce_instance_name -DceadojoLocation=path_to_ceadojo -buildfile ..\components\store-enhancements\xml\Coshopping.xml
      • LinuxAIXconfig_ant.sh -DinstanceName=commerce_instance_name -DceadojoLocation=path_to_ceadojo -buildfile ../components/store-enhancements/xml/Coshopping.xml

      ceadojoLocation is optional. If ceadojoLocation does not exist, the script will look at the default ceadojo path: WAS_installdir/feature_packs/cea/javascript/ceadojo

    WebSphere Commerce Developer
    1. Stop the WebSphere Application test server.
    2. Close the WebSphere Commerce development environment.
    3. Go to WCDE_installdir\bin directory.
    4. Run the setupCoshopping.bat command.

What to do next

After installing WebSphere Application Server CEA, publish the Madisons.sar and MadisonsEnhancements.sar store archives and select the coshopping store function to enable the coshopping feature for your store.