Payment Type

The payment type window enables the customer to view the available credit card and installment payment options for the selected item. The featured installment option for each type of credit card is displayed in boldface.

The prices that are displayed in the payment type window are based on a combination of the offering price of the item and any featured promotion that is not payment-based. Discounts for payment-based promotions, such as using a particular credit card, are not reflected in the payment type window.

You can customize the payment type window to display the payment types offered by the customer's store.

Elements of the payment type window

Payment type window screen capture
Full size screen capture

JSP files

  • InstallmentOptionsPopupDetails.jspf represents the payment type window.
  • GetCatalogEntryInstallmentPrice.jsp populates the payment type window with content based on the item selected from the Credit Card list.

e-Marketing Spots

  • There are no e-Marketing Spots on the payment type window.

Store functions

  • There are no options for the payment type window.

Links and buttons

  • 1 When Close is clicked, the window is closed and the product details page is displayed.