Feature Pack 7 or later

Subcategory page - RWD (B2C, Commerce Composer)

Customers use the responsive consumer direct subcategory page to navigate a subcategory. The layout for this page includes widgets for various advertisements, featured categories, and recommended products. Customers can browse through the catalog with the facets in the left sidebar.

This page is managed in the Commerce Composer tool.

Screen captures

The following screen captures show the responsive subcategory page on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Note: To reduce scrolling, the following screen captures have been cropped. To see full-sized screen captures, see the link after the mobile screen capture.

Desktop screen capture

Desktop screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Tablet screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Mobile screen capture

Full size screen captures

Layout, template, and page information

Page layout and template information
Layout name SubCategoryPageLayout
Template name Any page, six slots, left sidebar
Template type Responsive Templates
Page assignments This layout is assigned to the following subcategory pages:
  • Women
  • Men
  • Girls
  • Boys
Page type Category page


The following wireframe is used by default for the responsive subcategory page in the Commerce Composer tool:
Responsive subcategory page default wireframe

Widget information

Widget information
Slot Widget Name Widget Type E-Marketing Spot or Content Name
1 BreadcrumbTrailWidget Breadcrumb Trail Widget (not applicable)
2 HeaderLeftBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot Widget (Common) HeaderBanner_Content_Left
3 HeaderRightBannerContentWidget E-Marketing Spot Widget (Common) HeaderBanner_Content_Right
4 Heading Widget Heading Widget (not applicable)
5 CategoryNavigationWidget Category Navigation Widget (not applicable)
6 CategoryRecommendationWidget E-Marketing Spot Widget (Page-specific) Row3_Categories