Enabling personalization ID

You can enable personalization ID for your WebSphere Commerce site by editing the WebSphere Commerce configuraton file.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the following tasks:


  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
  2. Search for the PersonalizationId node.
  3. Set the value of the enable attribute to true, as shown in the following sample:
    <PersonalizationId display="false" enable="true"/>
    WebSphere Commerce Version To ensure a shopper is forgotten after logging off, set the value of the logoffRefresh attribute to true, as shown in the following sample:
    <PersonalizationId display="false" enable="true" logoffRefresh="true"/>
    For more information, see Forgetting shoppers after logging off.
  4. Propagate the changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.