Logging target activity

Use properties to determine how much information and what type of information is written to the target log.

About this task

Target session activity is saved to the target log files. Use properties to configure the logging level and how often the target log file is renewed. When you install the target by using the installer, the properties are configured with default values that produce a log file at Info level. You can configure the properties when you run a custom installation of the target. For more information, see the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control Installation Guide. You can also configure the properties after you install the target. For more information about how to edit target properties, see Configuring target properties.

Configure the following properties.


The log level determines the types of entries and how much information is added to the log file. Default value is 2.


Controls the period after which an older log file is overwritten. Log rotation can be disabled. Default value is Weekly.

Controls the period after which a new log file is started. This period must be shorter than the LogRotation period, therefore not all combinations are valid. LogRollover cannot be disabled. Default value is Daily.
LogRollover Description Comments
Hourly Start a new log file on the hour. Recommended if the log is written to frequently or when you use a log level higher than 2.
Daily Start a new log file every day. Default setting.

For more information about the properties, see Properties for configuring logging activity