Submitting the license request

How to submit a license request.

  1. Decide how to send your activation request to HCL. If your computer is not connected to the Internet or cannot reach the HCL license servers, you must select option 2.

    If you chose 2, a request file named request.BESLicenseRequest is generated.

    To submit the request file to HCL, use the following Web site:

    You can, then, continue the installation by importing the certificate file that you received (license.crt) or exit from the installation and rerun it at a later time.
    Import License Certificate
    [1]  Continue with the installation importing the certificate (license.crt).
    [2]  Exit from the installation, I will import the certificate at a later time.
    If you exit the installation, you can rerun ./ later and repeat all the steps specifying that you want to use the generated license with option 2:
    Choose the setup type that best suits your needs:
    [1]  I want to install with a BES license authorization file
    [2]  I want to install with a Production license that I already have
    [3]  I want to install with an existing masthead

From this point on, you can proceed with the normal installation procedure.