Update MDM Components

Learn how to update MDM components.

Before you begin:
  • You must be a Master Operator to perform this task through WebUI.
  • You need PlugIn Portal version 10.0.2 or later to update the MDM PlugIns to the latest version.

Update MDM Server

To update MDM Server:

  1. From the WebUI main page, click Apps > MCM.

  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin.

  3. On the Admin page, from the left navigation, under MDM Server, click Update
  4. In the Target Devices section, click Edit Devices. A list of the available servers that need an update is displayed. Select the required servers and click OK.

  5. Review the number of servers selected and click Deploy. WebUI runs the update on the targeted servers.

Update MDM Plugins

To update MDM Plugins:

  1. From the WebUI main page, click Apps > MCM.

  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin.

  3. On the Admin page, from the left navigation, under MDM Plugins, click Update

  4. In the Target Devices section, click Edit Devices. A list of the available devices that need an update is displayed. Select the required devices and click OK.

  5. Review the number of servers selected and click Deploy. WebUI runs the update on the targeted servers.