Uninstall MDM components

Learn how to uninstall MDM components.

Before you begin: You must be a Master Operator to perform this task through WebUI.

Uninstall MDM server

Uninstalling MDM server removes BigFix MDM from the server and you cannot use MDM services any longer from that server. There is no recovery from an MDM Server Uninstall. To get MDM devices enrolling and properly reporting again, MDM must be reinstalled.

To uninstall MDM server:

  1. From the WebUI main page, click Apps > MCM.

  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin.

  3. On the Admin page, from the left navigation, under MDM Server, click Uninstall

  4. Click Edit Devices and select the MDM server that you want to uninstall.

  5. Click Deploy.

Uninstall MDM Plugin for Apple

After uninstalling MDM plugin for Apple from a device, you cannot manage Apple devices from that server.

To uninstall:

  1. From the WebUI main page, click Apps > MCM.

  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin

  3. On the Modern Client Management page, from the left pane under MDM Plugins, click Uninstall Apple Plugin.

  4. Click Edit Devices and select the server you want to uninstall the MDM plugin.

  5. Click Deploy.

Uninstall MDM Plugin for Windows

After uninstalling MDM plugin for Windows from a device, you cannot manage Windows devices from that Plugin Portal.

To uninstall:

  1. From the WebUI main page, click Apps > MCM.

  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin.

  3. On the Modern Client Management page, from the left pane under MDM Plugins, click Uninstall Windows Plugin

  4. Click Edit Devices and select the devices you want to uninstall Windows MDM plugin.

  5. Click Deploy.

Uninstall MDM Plugin for Android

After uninstalling MDM Plugin for Android from a device, you cannot manage Android devices from that Plugin Portal.

To uninstall:

  1. From the WebUI main page, click Apps > MCM.

  2. On the Modern Client Management page, click Admin.

  3. On the Modern Client Management page, from the left pane under MDM Plugins, click Uninstall Android Plugin

  4. Click Edit Devices and select the devices you want to uninstall Android MDM Plugin.

  5. Click Deploy.