Installing and configuring DB2

Depending on which version of DB2 you want to install, you install DB2 either before installing the BigFix server or at the same time.

  • DB2 V11.5 GA / 11.5.4 / 11.5.5 / 11.5.6 / 11.5.7 Standard Edition: If you want to install the Standard Edition, you must install this version of DB2 before installing the BigFix server. Install it on the local workstation where you want to install the BigFix server or on a remote workstation. For information about how to install and verify DB2 server installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux server 64-bit, see DB2 servers and IBM data server clients. Before installing the BigFix server ensure that the DB2 V11.5 GA / 11.5.4 / 11.5.5 / 11.5.6 / 11.5.7 Standard Edition has been installed and started as follows:
    • If the DB2 V11.5 GA / 11.5.4 / 11.5.5 / 11.5.6 / 11.5.7 Standard Edition is installed locally:
      1. Ensure that the DB2 instance is up and running and that the DB2 administrative server is started. If you configured DB2 to use the default user names, run the following commands:
        su - db2inst1
      2. You can also verify that the DB2 instance is running by checking that the db2sysc process is active using the following command:
        ps -ef | grep db2sysc
    • If the DB2 V11.5 GA / 11.5.4 / 11.5.5 / 11.5.6 / 11.5.7 Standard Edition is installed remotely:
      1. Install a DB2 11.5 GA / 11.5.4 / 11.5.5 / 11.5.6 / 11.5.7 client on the workstation from where you run the BigFix server installation. The actual product you need to install is IBM Data Server Client 11.5 and its product identifier is "db2client". The port of the remote DB2 database (default 50000) must be reachable by the workstation where the installation is running. No additional DB2 configurations (such as the catalog of the remote database) are required.
        To use a remote database for BigFix, ensure you provide the following information in the installation procedure:
        1. The remote DB2 node
        2. The DB2 port number
        3. The user name of the local DB2 instance owner for the remote DB2 client and the remote DB2 server.
        Important: The DB2 instance names used to install the BES Root Server cannot contain the following special characters:

        blanks, tabs (\t), returns (\n) and ; & | " ' < >.

        The DB2 password used to install the BES Root Server cannot contain the following special characters:

        blanks, tabs (\t), returns (\n) and $ " ; `.

        To install the DB2 client you can run the installation wizard or the silent installation with a response file. For additional details, see Installation methods for IBM data server clients.
      2. On the remote DB2, ensure that the DB2 instance is up and running and that the DB2 administrative server is started. If you configured DB2 to use the default user names, run the following commands:
        su - db2inst1
  • DB2 V11.5.4 Standard Edition VPC: This BigFix installation package allows you to install this version of DB2 and the BigFix server in one go. During the installation of this bundle, you must provide the DB2 Administrative User Password. When setting this password, use only ASCII characters.

    This version of DB2 is included in the BigFix Linux deliverable bundle, for certain BigFix products only.

    If you are using the product bundle that includes DB2, you must leave the DB2 setup next to the BigFix Server setup folder when you extract the archive containing the bundle. Otherwise you will need to specify the location of the DB2 setup during the BigFix installation.

    All the steps to configure DB2 are then performed by the BigFix server installation program.

    The settings used by the bundled DB2 setup are stored in the db2wse_template.rsp response file. Some field values <EXAMPLE> are filled by the BigFix installer, editing them is not recommended.

    Note: The DB2 version embedded in BigFix 10.0.0 and 10.0.1 is DB2 11.5 GA Standard Edition.

For information about database requirements, see Installation requirements for DB2 database products and Database requirements.

Managing the DB2 licenses

For certain BigFix products only, the DB2 11.5 GA Standard Edition VPC (Virtual Processor Core) license is provided with the Linux deliverable bundle. When available, the license is named db2std_vpc.lic and is stored in the DB2_std_vpc_license\activation bundle folder.

To add/view/remove DB2 licenses, use the db2licm tool in /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5/adm/.

To activate this DB2 license in addition to the ones you already have, run the following command:

db2licm -a db2std_vpc.lic

To check the license status, run the following command:

db2licm -l

To remove an existing DB2 license, find out its product identifier by running:

db2licm -l

and then run the following command:

db2licm -r "product identifier"

Troubleshooting: DB2 bundle installation fails on Linux with DB2 error DBI1702E

Problem description: The DB2 bundle installation fails showing the following errors.

Error found in the DB2 log:

Info: Installing DB2, please wait ...
Error: An error occurred while installing DB2. 
Refer to the DB2 installation log file for additional details: '/tmp/db2setup.log'
Error: Unable to proceed with the installation of 'BigFix'. 
Refer to the installation log file '/var/log/BESInstall.log' for additional details.

Error found in the /tmp/db2setup.log file:

ERROR: DBI1702E The specified service name or port number conflicts with
existing values in the TCP/IP services file.

Solution: Perform the following two actions

  1. Check that ports 50000, 60000, 60001, 60002, 60003 are not in use.

    You can do so by inspecting the output of one of these commands:

    sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

    sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

  2. Check that those ports are not booked, by inspecting the /etc/services file.