Domain Settings

Beside core "Security Configuration" domain, there are additional domain/features that can be activated including Patch and Vulnarabilities domains.

You can enable the patch and vulnerability report, and security configuration (deprecated) report using the Domain Settings.

Enabling patch and vulnerability reporting will give you access to historical patch and vulnerability data. Security Configuration reports will not be affected. During import, additional steps will be activated to process patch fixlets, vulnerability data, and NVD info.

Security Configuration Vulnerability Results view of the vulnerabilities to Windows systems is deprecated as it is recommended to keep it disabled. See BigFix Forum post for details.

To enable the Patch and Vulnerability Report, and Security Configuration Vulnerability Results:

  1. On the header bar, click Management Gear Icon.
  2. Select Domain Settings from the menu.
  3. Under Patches and Vulnerabilities, click Start Importing Patches and Vulnerabilities.
  4. In the window that opens, click Yes, include to enable the patch and vulnerability reporting.
  5. It is recommended to keep Security Configuration Vulnerability Results disabled as the function is deprecated. Use Patches and Vulnerabilities domain for reporting instead.

Note: Enabling the patch and vulnerability reporting increases the duration of import processes and requires additional resources from the BigFix Compliance database. For information about importing data to the patch and vulnerability reporting application, see Data Imports.
Note: Please refer to Primary Menus to switch between the Security Configuration, Patch, and Vulnerability domains.