Installing the Requirements and Milestones reports with the script

The provided installation script creates and configures the necessary files to collect data from the endpoints and display them in the reports in BigFix Compliance Analytics version 1.8 or earlier.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have the ‘curl’ package installed as it is required to use the script.
  • To access the PCI DSS Requirements and Milestones Reporting from BigFix Compliance Analytics version 1.8 or earlier, complete the following steps:
    1. Subscribe to either the PCI DSS Checklist for Windows 2012 site or the PCI DSS Checklist for RHEL 6 site.
    2. Deploy the Environment Setup Task - Download Requirements and Milestones Reporting Installer task to download the reports installer ( package).
    3. Extract the files to your local disk. The package contains:
      • script
      • BES directory with .bes files
      • META-INF directory with the manifest

About this task

The script can be used on Windows or Linux OS and with Cygwin and curl package. Running the script creates the following resources in your local disk:
  • Three computer groups: PCIDSS_Requirement_Group, PCIDSS_Milestones_Group, PCIDSS_Milestone_Group
  • 16 custom sites and uploads them in the BigFix console with the corresponding Fixlets.


  1. Update the script with the URL to BigFix console and credentials as follows:

    For the port number, see the masthead file located in <InstallationPath>\BigFix Enterprise\BES Installers\Server\masthead.afxm. The default port is 52311.

    Note: When modifying the file on a Windows OS, you need to keep the UNIX formatting (end of line character).
  2. Execute the script in the current directory:
  3. When all the custom sites for the Requirement and Milestones Reports are created in the BigFix console along with the Fixlets, you must subscribe all computers to each site.
    Note: To enhance this process, you can use the Computer Groups that were created and assigned to the reporting custom sites. You must assign computers to the groups.
  4. Run the Environment Setup Tasks.

    There are two separate environment setup tasks: one is designed for the PCIDSS Milestone site and the other for all other Requirement and Milestones Reporting sites. Both of them are located under PCIDSS_Milestones site.

  5. Import data to BigFix Compliance Analytics by running an import on the BigFix Compliance Analytics console.