

Select one of the options:
Start scan
This starts an automatic scan of the application. The site defined in the Base scan is fully explored, and then the new parts found are tested, following the selection made in the Options setting.
Start with automatic Explore only
This starts an automatic Explore stage, in which AppScan will identify new and changed parts of your site. You will need to start the Test stage later yourself, by clicking Scan > Test only.
Start with Manual Explore
This opens the browser in recording mode, so you can manually explore your site by clicking on links and completing fields you want to test. AppScan will record the results to use in the Test stage, which you can start later by clicking Scan > Test only.
I will start the scan later
This closes the wizard without starting a scan. The next time you start a scan, this template will be used.
Tip: Although it is possible to change configuration settings before starting the Incremental scan, so they will be different to those of the Base scan, the Starting URL cannot be changed, and it is not recommended to change Test Policy or Test Optimization settings either, as this would make the Incremental scan findings of little use.

What to do next

Scan progress

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